`Objections Raised to Kalamata PDO Amendment - Olive Oil Times
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Objections Raised to Kalamata PDO Amendment

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Jan. 24, 2013 08:16 UTC

Five state­ments of objec­tion have been filed at the European Commission regard­ing a pro­posed amend­ment for the Kalamata’ Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), accord­ing to sources of the Greek Ministry of Agriculture.

The amend­ment sought to mod­ify some of the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the olive oil pro­duced at Kalamata ter­ri­tory like acid­ity and vari­eties used, but also about expand­ing the area where an olive oil can bear the Kalamata’ label to include the whole of Messinia region in south­ern Peloponnesus.

The amend­ment appli­ca­tion was pub­lished in the Official Journal of the European Union on June 26th 2012, with six months for objec­tions to be sub­mit­ted that ended on Christmas day. After the Greek state has been offi­cially noti­fied of the objec­tions, there will be a new round of pub­lic con­sul­ta­tion.

Messinia local author­i­ties said that the objec­tions were likely filed from other coun­tries and there was no rea­son for anx­i­ety. However, cau­tion was needed to secure that the process will end in favor of the Messinia region olive oil pro­duc­ers.


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