`Olivar de Segura the Top 'Ecological' Olive Oil Producer in Spain - Olive Oil Times
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Olivar de Segura the Top 'Ecological' Olive Oil Producer in Spain

By Charlie Higgins
Sep. 27, 2011 13:19 UTC

Olivar de Segura, a sec­ond level co-oper­a­tive endorsed by the Ecological Farming Committee of Andalusia (CAAE) and ded­i­cated exclu­sively to the pro­duc­tion, sales and pack­ag­ing of sus­tain­ably grown extra vir­gin olive oil, exceeded one mil­lion kilos (2,204,622 pounds) in com­bined exports and domes­tic sales in 2010, accord­ing to the Spanish news agency EFE.

With this achieve­ment, Olivar de Segura has secured its place as the top eco­log­i­cal extra vir­gin olive oil pro­ducer in Spain.

Of the co-operative’s 14 mem­bers through­out Andalusia, Sierra de Génave cur­rently pro­duces more than 90 per­cent of Olivar de Segura’s eco­log­i­cal extra vir­gin olive oil.

Founded in 1987 in an area of Parque Natural de Cazorla des­ig­nated to agri­cul­ture, Sierra de Génave was the first grower in Spain to pro­duce extra vir­gin olive oil using envi­ron­men­tally sus­tain­able meth­ods.

Emphasizing qual­ity over quan­tity, pro­duc­ers at Sierra de Génave strive to pre­serve and even improve soil qual­ity, obtain­ing prod­ucts that are rich in the nat­ural prop­er­ties pro­vided by the local cli­mate.

Olivar de Segura cur­rently exports Sierra de Génave and other eco­log­i­cal extra vir­gin olive oils to coun­tries around the world, includ­ing Germany, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom, China, Canada, New Zealand and Norway.

Company rep­re­sen­ta­tives said that they plan to keep grow­ing in all of [their] dif­fer­ent mar­kets and con­tinue to enter into new ones.”

Our goal is to bring new for­mats of our prod­ucts to the mar­ket­place, while enhanc­ing their qual­ity. That’s why we devel­oped our Aceites Premium (Premium Oils) prod­uct line,” a com­pany spokesper­son said. Oro de Génave Premium hit the shelves in 2009 and has since become its top-sell­ing eco­log­i­cal extra vir­gin oil.

This year we devel­oped Olivar de Segura’s Gourmet Selection,’ which we derive from the best oils obtained dur­ing each cam­paign,” the com­pany added.

Going for­ward, Olivar de Segura hopes to increase its pro­duc­tion and mar­ket­ing capa­bil­i­ties by form­ing part­ner­ships with other eco­log­i­cal extra vir­gin olive oil pro­duc­ers in the neigh­bor­ing province of Albacete.

Organic farm­ing is on the rise in Andalusia. Casero Rodriguez, pres­i­dent of the Andalusian Committee for Organic Farming, recently told Revista Mercados the region has 363,835 reg­is­tered hectares devoted to organic farm­ing, hav­ing recorded an increase of almost 50,000 hectares in the most recent nine-month period.


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