`One Third of Oils Tested in Croatia Falsely Labeled - Olive Oil Times
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One Third of Oils Tested in Croatia Falsely Labeled

By Isabel Putinja
Mar. 3, 2016 12:43 UTC

One-third of a sam­ple of 20 extra vir­gin olive oils in Croatia did not ful­fill the require­ments to be labeled as extra vir­gin olive oil, accord­ing to an inves­ti­ga­tion by the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture.

In the tests, 20 olive oils labeled extra vir­gin” from Croatia and other coun­tries of the European Union were exam­ined for purity and qual­ity. The tests included a chem­i­cal analy­sis of the com­po­si­tion of each of the 20 olive oils in a lab­o­ra­tory, as well as a taste test. The results con­cluded that six out of the 20 oils tested were not gen­uine extra vir­gin olive oil, and were there­fore falsely labeled.
See Also:Articles on Olive Oil Fraud
Of the 20 olive oils, nine were pro­duced in Croatia, and 11 were imported brands from other European Union coun­tries. Thirteen of the oils were pro­cured from super­mar­kets, and the seven oth­ers came directly from local pro­duc­ers. Of the olive oils that did not pass, four were pro­duced in Croatia, while two were from Spain and Italy.

In Croatia, olive oil pro­duc­ers can be fined for falsely label­ing their prod­ucts, an amount rang­ing from 30,000 to 50,000 HRK ($4,284 to $7,140) for com­pa­nies, and 5,000 to 10,000 HRK ($714 to $1428) for local pro­duc­ers.

The adul­ter­ation of olive oil by mix­ing it with other veg­etable oils is unfor­tu­nately a com­mon prac­tice in many olive-oil-pro­duc­ing coun­tries across the world. In sim­i­lar tests car­ried out in Germany recently, half of 26 olive oils tested were declared defec­tive, while in Italy 7,000 tons of olive oil sold as 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil” were mixed with other oils imported from other coun­tries.

Many gov­ern­ments are exam­in­ing how to com­bat food fraud and ensure con­sumer con­fi­dence in the qual­ity of such prod­ucts.


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