`Pieralisi Appoints New Chief Executive - Olive Oil Times
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Pieralisi Appoints New Chief Executive

By Ylenia Granitto
Jun. 6, 2024 17:08 UTC

Aldino Zeppelli is the new chief exec­u­tive of Pieralisi Group, a lead­ing man­u­fac­turer of olive oil milling equip­ment and tech­nol­ogy.

He suc­ceeded the for­mer exec­u­tive Alessandro Leopardi after serv­ing for four years as senior vice pres­i­dent and chief exec­u­tive of the Loader Cranes Division at Cargotec, a man­u­fac­turer of cargo han­dling machin­ery.

Our cus­tomers are becom­ing ever more sophis­ti­cated. Therefore, they need a tech­ni­cal inter­face that responds much more specif­i­cally, promptly and ade­quately to the com­plex­ity of our machin­ery.- Aldino Zeppelli, CEO, Pieralisi Group

I am very proud to be given this role, sup­ported by our main investor, DeA Capital, who strongly believes in the olive oil busi­ness,” Zeppelli told Olive Oil Times. Today, we intend to enhance our already well-estab­lished posi­tion in terms of tech­nol­ogy and mar­ket cov­er­age.”


Aldino Zeppelli

Furthermore, we aim to expand into new areas that we believe have great growth poten­tial that has yet to be expressed,” he added.

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Adeodato Pieralisi founded the com­pany in 1888 in the vil­lage of Monsano in the Marche’s Ancona province. The com­pany has since expanded and has pro­duc­tion and com­mer­cial sites in Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, Brazil and Tunisia. In 2020, DeA Capital Group entered the company’s share­hold­ing.

Another area we will focus on is cus­tomer sup­port,” Zeppelli said. To this end, we aim to increase our local pres­ence in the main mar­kets and strengthen the cen­tral func­tions, with a view to giv­ing an even more ready and com­pe­tent response to our cus­tomers.”

Zeppelli observed that a grow­ing num­ber of farm­ers aim to pro­duce pre­mium extra vir­gin olive oils, and their work has evolved over the years. As a result, he plans to focus the company’s strat­egy on fur­ther devel­op­ing the prod­uct range and improv­ing the qual­ity of ser­vice.

Our cus­tomers are becom­ing ever more sophis­ti­cated,” he said. Therefore, they need a tech­ni­cal inter­face that responds much more specif­i­cally, promptly and ade­quately to the com­plex­ity of our machin­ery and cur­rent chal­lenges like sus­tain­abil­ity and resource-sav­ing.”

My goal is pro­vid­ing accu­rate and timely ser­vice from the first instal­la­tion of plants and machines through­out the whole life cycle of the pro­duc­tion process, but above all also in the after-sales phase,” Zeppelli added.

In this direc­tion, we are seek­ing to improve the avail­abil­ity of spare parts and the deliv­ery times, includ­ing long-term deliv­ery,” he con­tin­ued. In this respect, besides care­fully ana­lyz­ing our cus­tomer’s needs, we guar­an­tee a cap­il­lary pres­ence.”

Zeppelli empha­sized that the com­pany pro­vides machin­ery and com­po­nents intended for small and large pro­duc­tions, which he con­sid­ers one of its strengths. He also pointed out that sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments have been made recently to elim­i­nate bot­tle­necks in the pro­duc­tion depart­ments.

However, to date, we are not yet sat­is­fied and qual­ity’ is the key­word,” Zeppelli said. In terms of tech­nol­ogy, we have fixed prob­lems with some com­po­nents, and we are strength­en­ing tech­no­log­i­cal and tech­ni­cal part­ner­ships with our main sup­pli­ers.”

We also aim to offer our cus­tomers a com­mis­sion­ing phase that is more lin­ear and does not present the typ­i­cal dis­rup­tions of high sea­son­al­ity peri­ods,” he added. I am com­mit­ted to work­ing on all lines, namely man­u­fac­tur­ing, qual­ity and ser­vice, to pro­vide them with a bet­ter expe­ri­ence with our tech­nol­ogy.”


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