`Snapshot of Italian Olive Oil Exports - Olive Oil Times
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Snapshot of Italian Olive Oil Exports

By Luciana Squadrilli
Jul. 29, 2014 09:23 UTC

Even though the agree­ment signed in 2012 between ICE Italtrade and Unaprol as part of the Ministry of Economic Development s pro­gram offi­cially ended last year, the two Italian cor­po­ra­tions are still work­ing in close part­ner­ship to boost Italian olive oil’s export.

The demand for qual­ity Italian oil from mar­kets (and neigh­bor­ing coun­tries) that were included in the agree­men­t’s activ­i­ties is still grow­ing, thus prov­ing its effec­tive­ness. Recently, Unaprol gen­eral man­ager Pietro Sandali and ICE Agency’s GM Roberto Luongo met to dis­cuss new path­ways to inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion.

Research by Unaprol’s Economic Observatory high­lights the rise in Italian qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil in coun­tries where the agree­men­t’s activ­i­ties were car­ried out.

The results show Italy hold­ing a lead­ing posi­tion in the olive oil mar­ket in coun­tries such as USA, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Austria and Singapore, and it stands among the 4 top export­ing coun­tries to Brasil, China, Korea, India and Russia; but even there, Italy holds the first place regard­ing extra vir­gin olive oil and the value of the exported prod­uct.

Below is a sum­mary of the Italian vir­gin olive oil mar­ket world­wide, accord­ing to Unaprol state­ment, show­ing the main import­ing coun­tries:

  • USA — Italy holds a mar­ket share of 51 per­cent, with exports up 2 per­cent in 2013.
  • AUSTRIA — Italy is the mar­ket leader in 2013 with a 48 per­cent share.
  • BRASIL – Italy is the fourth-largest vir­gin oil sup­plier to Brazil with 7 per­cent of the mar­ket, fol­low­ing Portugal, Spain and Argentina. There was an increase of 2 per­cent from 2012 to 2013.
  • CANADA – Italy is in pole posi­tion with a mar­ket share of 70 per­cent in 2013, and an increas­ing trend since 2009.
  • CHINA – Italy is the sec­ond-largest vir­gin oil sup­plier. In 2013 the mar­ket share was 21 per­cent. Value and vol­ume data show a steady growth from 2012 (+16 per­cent)
  • KOREA — Italy is the sec­ond-largest vir­gin oil sup­plier and there has been remark­able growth from 2012 to 2013 (+14 per­cent vol­ume and +37 per­cent value).
  • JAPAN — Italy is the mar­ket leader in 2013 with a 45 per­cent share and a growth of 6 per­cent.
  • HONG KONG — Italy is the main vir­gin oil sup­plier, main­tain­ing the same share between 2012 and 2013.
  • INDIA — Italy is the sec­ond-largest vir­gin oil sup­plier on the Indian mar­ket after Spain.
  • RUSSIA — Italy is the sec­ond vir­gin oil sup­plier with a 26 per­cent mar­ket share. Imported quan­ti­ties grew of 18 per­cent in 2013 com­pared to 2012.
  • SINGAPORE — Italy is the main vir­gin oil sup­plier, with an increase from 2012 to 2013 both for the vol­ume and for the value.


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