`Spain Bets on Comedy to Boost Olive Oil Sales - Olive Oil Times
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Spain Bets on Comedy to Boost Olive Oil Sales

By Simon Roots
Dec. 16, 2024 19:23 UTC

Spain’s largest pro­fes­sional olive oil orga­ni­za­tion has joined forces with the stand-up show Mentes Peligrosas (Dangerous Minds) in a new national tour launched in Madrid this month at the 12,000-plus-seat WiZink Center.

Featuring some of the coun­try’s most famous come­di­ans, the tour will use the themes of Humor, Health and Flavor” to pro­mote Spanish olive oils to the domes­tic mar­ket.

Aceites de Oliva de España is well-known inter­na­tion­ally for its suc­cess­ful pro­mo­tional cam­paigns in emerg­ing mar­kets such as Japan and India.

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Its English-lan­guage divi­sion, Olive Oils from Spain, reg­u­larly orga­nizes and par­tic­i­pates in major olive oil-related events and con­fer­ences in cities such as New York City and Chicago.

Healthy liv­ing has always been a key com­po­nent of the organization’s mes­sage, and it is known for its involve­ment in sport­ing events such as the inter­na­tional Andalusian Bike Race.

Spanish celebri­ties are also fre­quently asso­ci­ated with its cam­paigns, with ten­nis leg­end Rafa Nadal per­haps its most famous brand ambas­sador.

This lat­est cam­paign focuses on the Spanish domes­tic mar­ket, which has been hit hard recently by the cost of liv­ing cri­sis and the soar­ing price of olive oils.

Spain is our first con­sumer in the world, and we must take spe­cial care of it,” said Aceites de Oliva de España pres­i­dent Pedro Barato. With the help of these lux­ury ambas­sadors, we want to reach the max­i­mum num­ber of con­sumers with a pos­i­tive mes­sage. We know from expe­ri­ence that humor is a mag­nif­i­cent lever for pro­mo­tion.”

There is noth­ing like humor to high­light the devo­tion of Spaniards to a food with­out which we could not under­stand our coun­try or gas­tron­omy,” he added. For that rea­son, through the Olive Oils from Spain divi­sion, we have often resorted to humor for our infor­ma­tional cam­paigns, start­ing with Leo Harlem him­self.”

Famous for his live stand-up per­for­mances and now a ris­ing star among the younger gen­er­a­tions due to his mil­lions of TikTok videos, Leo Harlem is an out­spo­ken pro­po­nent of extra vir­gin olive oil.

In a radio inter­view in August of this year, he stated that where there is no olive oil, there is no civ­i­liza­tion,” a sen­ti­ment that res­onated with the Spanish pub­lic, who have since viewed the clip on social media plat­forms almost half a mil­lion times.

He has also been known to call for extra vir­gin olive oil to be made avail­able nation­ally on pre­scrip­tion, say­ing, It’s the great­est thing we have here, it’s our health.”

In addi­tion to Leo Harlem, Silvia Abril, Luis Piedrahita, Ana Morgade, Álex Clavero, Eva Hache, Xosé A. Touriñán, David Cepo and Carolina Iglesias will be per­form­ing.

Aceites de Oliva de España hopes that the broad inter-gen­er­a­tional appeal of the troupe will facil­i­tate the prop­a­ga­tion of their mes­sage.

The youngest of the country’s poten­tial con­sumers are among those the orga­ni­za­tion is most keen to tar­get, as health trends, par­tic­u­larly, are quick to prop­a­gate through social media such as TikTok.

As prices con­tinue to fall, recov­er­ing lost ground in the domes­tic mar­ket is seen as a sig­nif­i­cant goal for the Spanish olive oil sec­tor, and it is hoped that estab­lish­ing a base among young con­sumers will pro­vide long-term resilience.


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