`Spain’s Olive Pomace Oil Industry Gets a Voice - Olive Oil Times
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Spain’s Olive Pomace Oil Industry Gets a Voice

By Erin Ridley
Jan. 19, 2016 12:12 UTC

As the world’s largest pro­ducer of olive oil, Spain has wel­comed a new orga­ni­za­tion to the olive oil sec­tor. The Professional Organization of Olive Pomace Oil (Organización Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva), offi­cially rec­og­nized by Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Nutrition and Environment last week now joins other indus­try groups includ­ing the Professional Organization of Table Olives and the Professional Organization of Spanish Olive Oil.

Given that the coun­try is, of course, also the world’s leader in olive pomace oil pro­duc­tion, the new group’s objec­tives are focused around the oil’s research and pro­mo­tion. In doing so, they hope to fos­ter the oil’s use in the food and food ser­vice sec­tors, which often use oils of lesser qual­ity.

We won’t work against any­one,” the orga­ni­za­tion explained in a release, but rather work in favor of olive pomace oil and seek out rel­e­vant niche mar­kets.” In many cases, this includes oppor­tu­ni­ties to replace the use of other veg­etable fats, which, says the orga­ni­za­tion, largely come from imports.

Their efforts to max­i­mize olive pomace oil’s use could also per­mit other ben­e­fits beyond just food con­sump­tion such as its use in cos­met­ics and ani­mal food prod­ucts, as well as advan­tages when it comes to the envi­ron­ment. Olive pomace can be a valu­able source of bio­mass energy.

The group is made up of five orga­ni­za­tions that come from dif­fer­ent areas of the olive pomace oil sup­ply chain. On the pro­duc­tion side, the mem­bers include the National Association of Olive Pomace Oil Businesses (ANEO), Agrifood Cooperatives, and the Spanish Federation of Olive Oil Industrialists and Manufacturers (INFAOLIVA).

The indus­trial and man­u­fac­tur­ing side is made up of Spain’s National Association of Industrial Packagers and Edible Oil Refiners (ANIERAC), the Spanish Association of Olive Oil Industry and Trade Exports (ASOLIVA), and also the afore­men­tioned ANEO.

Though now offi­cially rec­og­nized, the group must still wait until May or June before receiv­ing eco­nomic sup­port to work toward its objec­tives.


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