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Spanish Olive Oil Center Conducts Open House

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Sep. 16, 2014 11:27 UTC

The Citoliva Center in Andalusia cel­e­brated the end of its sum­mer pro­gram with an open train­ing ses­sion ear­lier this month.

El Centro Tecnológico Andaluz Citoliva — which roughly trans­lates into Civic Olive Oil Technological Center of Andalusia” — hosted an open train­ing day on September 2. Attendees were invited to see some of the inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts being devel­oped with olive oil that stu­dents have been work­ing on over the sum­mer.

The pro­gram, titled EVOO and Pairing, focused on the culi­nary and sci­en­tific work­ings of olive oil. The facility’s cook­ing lab is the first of its kind in Spain ded­i­cated exclu­sively to explor­ing new uses for Liquid Gold.

According to the gen­eral direc­tor of the cen­ter, the space is a meet­ing point between sci­ence, tech­nol­ogy and cui­sine, all cen­tered around the pil­lar of the Mediterranean diet.

Chief taster of Citoliva, Maria Paz Aguilera led a sci­en­tific tast­ing where par­tic­i­pants were instructed on the visual, olfac­tory and taste-based char­ac­ter­is­tics of dif­fer­ent olive oils.

The ses­sion con­cluded with a cook­ing demon­stra­tion by International Cooking with Olive Oil win­ner Juan Carlos Trujillo, chef at the Canela en Rama restau­rant in Linares.

Raquel Costales, a researcher for Citoliva pre­sented some of the new research being per­formed in the cen­ter, focus­ing on tech­ni­cal solu­tions to improve pre­sen­ta­tion and nutri­tion. in the food indus­try.

Leading food com­pa­nies in Spain con­sult with the cen­ter to remain com­pet­i­tive in the indus­try.


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