`Spanish Olive Oil Gets €8 Million for New Promotional Campaigns - Olive Oil Times
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Spanish Olive Oil Gets €8 Million for New Promotional Campaigns

By Naomi Tupper
May. 2, 2013 09:54 UTC

The European Commission in Brussels have allo­cated €8 mil­lion to the pro­mo­tion of Spanish olive oil through­out the European union and other mar­kets around the world.

Twenty-two food related projects have been selected to receive a share in a €36 mil­lion cam­paign to pro­mote and pub­li­cize the qual­ity of European food prod­ucts. Of the twenty two recip­i­ents, three are Spanish olive oil related, with two pro­grams pro­posed by the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español and one by the Interprofesional de la Aceituna de Mesa being awarded finan­cial sup­port. All three of the projects will be car­ried out over a three year period.

The Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español will focus its pro­mo­tion of Spanish olive oil on two dif­fer­ing mar­kets, one of which will involve cam­paigns in India and Southeast Asia and will cost nearly €5 mil­lion over the three-year period with the EU pro­vid­ing almost €2.5 mil­lion of this total.

The sec­ond project will take place closer to home with a €6 mil­lion cam­paign aimed at the Spanish mar­ket. The Interaceituna cam­paign will have a more European based approach, with a focus on Spanish, French and UK mar­kets, of which half of the bud­get will be funded by the EU.

Of the other projects selected for fund­ing, 16 will focus on pro­mo­tion within the EU and the remain­ing six in other coun­tries around the world. The ini­tia­tive has been tak­ing place since 2000 and spends a max­i­mum of €50 mil­lion on pro­mo­tion of European foods inter­nally and in inter­na­tional mar­kets annu­ally. This year €36 mil­lion has been promised, which will fund around 50 per­cent of each of the cho­sen pro­grams.

The selec­tion process for the projects receiv­ing fund­ing from the European Commission requires that the pro­grams ide­ally be car­ried out over a num­ber of years and have sig­nif­i­cant impact on their tar­get mar­kets. The assis­tance is usu­ally awarded to pro­fes­sional orga­ni­za­tions that rep­re­sent agri­cul­tural prod­ucts or approaches to agri­cul­ture, such as organic farm­ing.

The pro­mo­tional cam­paigns should high­light qual­ity, nutri­tional value and safety of EU farm prod­ucts and foods and draw atten­tion to the advan­tages of such prod­ucts.


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