`Tunisia’s Output Drops from Last Year's Record - Olive Oil Times
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Tunisia’s Output Drops from Last Year's Record

By Gaynor Selby
Jan. 11, 2016 14:07 UTC

Tunisia’s sta­tus as the world’s sec­ond-largest olive oil pro­ducer was short-lived, as recent fore­casts sig­nal a dra­matic drop from last year’s bumper crop.

The country’s Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries has announced there will be approx­i­mately 150,000 tons of olive oil com­pared with 340,000 tons last sea­son.

In a state­ment on the ministry’s web­site, it said 988 mills are cur­rently pro­duc­ing an esti­mated 30,000 tons per day com­pared with 1,150 oil mills in oper­a­tion over the same period last sea­son.

The lower pro­duc­tion fore­cast is likely to push up the price of olive oil, accord­ing to the min­istry.

The lat­est fig­ures are in stark con­trast to Tunisia’s pro­duc­tion lev­els last sea­son when the coun­try exported more olive oil than any other pro­ducer nation after a record olive crop, over­tak­ing Italy and Spain.

Exports sky­rock­eted three-fold over the pre­vi­ous year’s out­put with 299,300 tons of olive oil sup­plied to over­seas mar­kets net­ting around 1.9 bil­lion Tunisian dinars.

At the time, offi­cials in the Tunisian sec­tor were pleased about the bumper crop but pre­dicted 2015 yields be much lower because orchards usu­ally do not pro­duce such a good crop over two con­sec­u­tive years.

  • Tunisan Agriculture Ministry

  • Tunisa National Agriculture Observatory

  • Financial Times
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