`World Olive Oil Exhibition Coming to Madrid - Olive Oil Times
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World Olive Oil Exhibition Coming to Madrid

By Isabel Putinja
Feb. 12, 2016 11:44 UTC

This year’s edi­tion of the World Olive Oil Exhibition (WOOE) will be held March 2 and 3 in Madrid, Spain. The annual inter­na­tional exhi­bi­tion and trade fair serves as a meet­ing place for olive oil pro­duc­ers, traders, bro­kers, agents and buy­ers from around the world.

The aims of the exhi­bi­tion are to high­light the qual­ity, vari­ety and health prop­er­ties of olive oil and pro­mote its com­mer­cial­iza­tion in large vol­umes while open­ing new mar­kets by bring­ing together pro­duc­ers and buy­ers.

The event includes an exhi­bi­tion area where pro­duc­ers dis­play their prod­ucts, a tast­ing area where buy­ers can sam­ple olive oil, and a busi­ness point where impromptu meet­ings can be held.

The con­fer­ence pro­gram fea­tures a series of inter­est­ing lec­tures by experts in the olive oil field, includ­ing pre­sen­ta­tions by the International Olive Council, the Olive Tree Institute (Tunisia), and other pre­sen­ters from Spain, Greece, and South Africa.

A notable fea­ture is pre­sen­ta­tions and tast­ing ses­sions of Spanish, Italian, Greek, Australian, Tunisian, Uruguayan and Japanese olive oils.

There were also be an exhi­bi­tion space for the pre­sen­ta­tion of gourmet foods and cos­met­ics made of olive oil, with the aim to show­case the diver­sity of the dif­fer­ent uses of olive oil.

Further details are avail­able on the World Olive Oil Exhibition web­site.


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