`Gruppo Pieralisi Powers World's Largest Olive Oil Mill in Jaén - Olive Oil Times
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Gruppo Pieralisi Powers World's Largest Olive Oil Mill in Jaén

By Lucy Vivante
Nov. 2, 2011 09:07 UTC

Nuestra Señora del Pilar is the world’s largest olive oil mill and it cel­e­brated the open­ing of its newly out­fit­ted plant in the town of Villacarrillo on 12 October. The mill is owned by the Cooperative FAECA (Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas Agrarias) made up of 1,673 mem­bers and is in Andalusia’s Jaén Province, where some 70 per­cent of Spain’s olive oil is pro­duced.

The Italian com­pany Gruppo Pieralisi, world leader in olive oil extrac­tion equip­ment, out­fit­ted the 28 mil­lion euro plant. Gennaro Pieralisi, CEO of the Gruppo Pieralisi, was at the rib­bon cut­ting cer­e­mony, which was attended by 3,000 peo­ple.

The mill is capa­ble of pro­cess­ing 2,500 tons or 2,500,000 kilos of olives per day. The Pieralisi sys­tem includes 12 lines that can work round the clock. The Italian com­pany says that the new sys­tem allows for the extrac­tion of more than 99 per­cent of the avail­able oil, and that the envi­ron­men­tal impact is con­tained since the extrac­tion process does not use, and there­fore does not pro­duce veg­e­ta­tive waters. The plant has 18 receiv­ing lines for the olives, 16 lines for wash­ing the fruit, 72 hop­pers, and 156 tanks capa­ble of stor­ing 17,000 tons of olive oil.

The Cooperative was formed in 1966 and since its found­ing, over one mil­lion tons of olive oil have been pro­duced. Members farm close to 14,000 hectares (34,500 acres), with over 1,500,000 trees, which are mostly of the Picual vari­ety.


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