`Greek Producers Ask for a Commission to Promote Exports - Olive Oil Times
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Greek Producers Ask for a Commission to Promote Exports

By Paolo DeAndreis
Feb. 6, 2023 16:19 UTC

Olive grow­ers and millers in Greece would like the gov­ern­ment to assume a cen­tral role in estab­lish­ing a new pub­lic con­sult­ing com­mis­sion to pro­mote olive oil exports.

At a national online meet­ing orga­nized by the Association of Greek Olive Oil Standardization Industries (Sevitel), pro­duc­ers and exporters agreed to form the com­mis­sion, which they would like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the pub­lic agency for exports, Enterprise Greece, to coor­di­nate.

According to the meeting’s par­tic­i­pants, broad coor­di­na­tion of olive oil and table olives pro­duc­tion cou­pled with a national strat­egy that gives value to olive oil exports is cru­cial for the sector’s growth.

Such com­mis­sion will have a role as advi­sory body. We could say that the cur­rent year is the sea­son of Greek olive oil. It is an oppor­tu­nity to open new mar­kets to the prod­uct. Still, in order to accom­plish such goals, we need coor­di­na­tion and strate­gic plan­ning,” Giorgos Oikonomou, direc­tor gen­eral at Sevitel, said, hint­ing at the cur­rent boun­ti­ful olive har­vest.

As reported by AgroTypos, at the meet­ing, many of the sector’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives and experts stressed the need for branded Greek olive oil exports. The major­ity of Greek olive oil exports are cur­rently unbranded bulk ship­ments.

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Antonis Gravanis, direc­tor of the small and medium com­pa­nies divi­sion in Enterprise Greece, under­lined how the National Olive Interprofessional Organization (Edoe) and Sevitel must coor­di­nate their efforts not to miss the increas­ing global oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Both the new com­mis­sion and olive pro­duc­ers should look at new mar­kets, such as the coun­tries of sub-Saharan Africa, accord­ing to the eco­nomic and trade advi­sor for the Permanent Representation of Greece in the European Union, Eftychia Bakopoulou.

Speaking at the meet­ing, Bakopoulou claimed cer­ti­fi­ca­tions and stan­dards, such as the E.U.’s cer­ti­fi­ca­tions PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication), for Greek olive oil and table olives increased their chances of suc­cess in new mar­kets.

As reported by GargalianoiOnline, Alkiviadis Kalambokis, pres­i­dent of the Crete exporters asso­ci­a­tion, remarked that the olive sector’s orga­ni­za­tions and asso­ci­a­tions have long asked the gov­ern­ment to estab­lish an elec­tronic reg­istry of olive trans­ac­tions, a cru­cial tool in mon­i­tor­ing pro­duc­tion and trade. Registries have already been adopted in other E.U. coun­tries, such as Italy.

Among the pri­or­i­ties, Kalambokis listed the need for a new license for olive pro­duc­ers. He also stressed accel­er­at­ing VAT refunds and pro­mot­ing Greek olive oil world­wide.

According to some of the meeting’s par­tic­i­pants, Greek iden­tity and the country’s unique his­tory should be con­sid­ered essen­tial when pro­mot­ing exports.

Dimitris Anastopoulos, an olive oil importer and trade advi­sor, noted that many com­pet­ing olive-pro­duc­ing coun­tries, such as Turkey and Tunisia, actively asso­ciate their national iden­tity with the prod­uct. Hence the need to tap into the Greek mythos, his­tory and olive oil’s ori­gins to strengthen national iden­tity and export rev­enue.

The meet­ing cov­ered all cur­rent chal­lenges for olive pro­duc­ers and exporters. According to Dimitris Douzmanis, Sevitel’s exports advi­sor, fur­ther growth in the sec­tor will depend on its abil­ity to asso­ciate Greek iden­tity with the prod­uct and to offer cred­i­ble tools that ver­ify and authen­ti­cate the qual­ity of the olive exports.


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