`Council to Commission Survey of Olive Oil Promotion - Olive Oil Times
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Council to Commission Survey of Olive Oil Promotion

By Julie Butler
Nov. 14, 2011 07:45 UTC

Avoiding dou­ble-ups and boost­ing impact are among the rea­sons for the first global sur­vey of olive oil pro­mo­tion, now being com­mis­sioned by the International Olive Council.

Intended to pro­duce the equiv­a­lent of a world­wide Who’s Who of olive oil pro­mo­tion, the IOC recently adver­tised that it would accept bids for the €91 000 ($123,569) con­tract until December 5.

According to the ten­der spec­i­fi­ca­tions, what will be the first ever pub­lic reli­able sur­vey” will reveal the key play­ers involved in activ­i­ties pro­mot­ing olive oil inter­na­tion­ally, and what they are doing.

The sur­vey results should allow the IOC and the wider olive oil Industry to get a clear and com­pre­hen­sive pic­ture of the pro­mo­tional efforts and bud­gets invested by the Industry all over the world.“

That shared knowl­edge should then help all indus­try mem­bers: define oppor­tu­ni­ties to grab, gaps to fill and mar­kets to explore; co-ordi­nate the efforts of the var­i­ous play­ers; and try to avoid dou­ble usage/billings.

Overall, the IOC wants to improve the syn­ergy and there­fore the impact” within the over­all sec­tor.

Specifically, it wants the suc­cess­ful ten­derer to gather data on the var­i­ous mar­ket­ing investments/communication bud­gets for olive oil, in which coun­tries they were or are used in, and why. Also the main pro­mo­tional activ­i­ties, type of media used and bud­get break­downs.

The sur­vey report, due by next May 16, must be in two ver­sions: one for IOC-only use (includ­ing specifics such as names and bud­gets) and another pub­lic report (with generic cat­e­gories and anonymized sources).

The IOC, which has its head­quar­ters in Madrid, is the world’s only inter­na­tional inter­gov­ern­men­tal organ­i­sa­tion in the field of olive oil and table olives. Its roles include encour­ag­ing the expan­sion of inter­na­tional trade and increased con­sump­tion of olive oil and table olives.

Among other mar­ket research, it recently com­mis­sioned reports on con­sump­tion of table olives and olive oil in Australia, Japan and South Korea. The suc­cess­ful ten­derer, Deloitte (Spain), must sub­mit its find­ings by next January 4 on issues such as demand and mar­ket sup­ply in each coun­try in the last decade, and con­sumer pro­files.

It must also eval­u­ate Australia’s likely olive oil and table olive pro­duc­tion and export trends in the next 10 – 15 years, and appraise its export capa­bil­i­ties. The bud­gets are: Australia: €85 000 ($115,421), Japan €80 000 ($108,632), and South Korea €75 000 ($101,842).


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