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The World's Best Olive Oils, Delivered

The New York International Olive Oil Competition announced the coming launch of the Best Olive Oils Marketplace, where you can buy this year's award-winning extra virgin olive oils.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Apr. 14, 2016 18:40 UTC

The world’s best olive oils for 2016 were announced tonight at the pres­ti­gious New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), and soon you will be to pur­chase the award-win­ning oils with just a few clicks.

NYIOOC pres­i­dent, Curtis Cord, announced the Best Olive Oils Marketplace, an ini­tia­tive, devel­oped over the past year and set to launch in a few weeks, where soon you will be able to buy the win­ning oils from the mer­chants who stock them in a seam­less online expe­ri­ence opti­mized for every device.

The olive oil pair­ing app and now the new Marketplace, is the offi­cial pre­sen­ta­tion of the New York International Olive Oil Competition win­ners, and is the sec­ond high­est traf­fic olive oil web­site in the world, — sec­ond only to Olive Oil Times, which will in turn pro­mote Marketplace prod­ucts through­out its pages, dri­ving even more shop­pers to these win­ning prod­ucts.

Merchants — includ­ing retail­ers, importers and dis­trib­u­tors man­age their inven­tory, pric­ing and pro­files, gen­er­ate ship­ping labels and pack­ing slips on the plat­form, and ship orders directly to their Marketplace cus­tomers.

Buyers — includ­ing con­sumers, and ver­i­fied whole­sale cus­tomers such as retail­ers and restau­rants — sim­ply choose which win­ning oils they wish to buy — and they can track their order all the way to their door.

This orga­ni­za­tion is not in the busi­ness of sell­ing olive oil,” Cord said at today’s announce­ment in New York attended by more than 150 pro­duc­ers, mer­chants, buy­ers and press rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and streamed live to a world­wide audi­ence. We are in the busi­ness of iden­ti­fy­ing and pro­mot­ing the world’s best extra vir­gin olive oils and those who pro­duce them. Assisting those who choose to stock these high-qual­ity prod­ucts reach the grow­ing num­ber of us who want the best for our­selves and our fam­i­lies lies at the very heart of our mis­sion.”

Initially, the Marketplace will be avail­able for orders shipped within the U.S., how­ever, plans are under­way to expand inter­na­tion­ally later this year, Cord said.


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