`Bill Aims to Protect 'Made in California' Brand - Olive Oil Times
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Bill Aims to Protect 'Made in California' Brand

By Julie Al-Zoubi
Feb. 17, 2020 14:29 UTC

Sacramento Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry has intro­duced a new bill demand­ing clearer guide­lines on when the term California” can be used in olive oil label­ing and mar­ket­ing.

A spike in demand for Californian olive oil has led to an increase in blends con­tain­ing oil pro­duced in coun­tries as far away as Spain, North Africa and Argentina being mar­keted as California” olive oil.

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Aguiar-Curry told a press release the prac­tice caused con­fu­sion among con­sumers and left California’s olive farm­ers at a com­pet­i­tive dis­ad­van­tage.

The pro­posed AB 2074 bill estab­lishes clear guide­lines as to when pro­duc­ers can use the term California” in their brand­ing and strength­ens exist­ing law by mak­ing it ille­gal to falsely sug­gest an olive oil was pro­duced entirely from olives grown in California if that was not the case.

The bill also demands that if a Californian olive oil is to be region­ally branded it must be com­posed of at least 85 per­cent from olives grown in the spec­i­fied region.


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