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Corto Olive and Gemsa Reach Settlement in Trademark Dispute

Gemsa Enterprises agreed to stop using packaging materials that Corto Olive claims infringed its 51-49 trademark, but stopped short of admitting fault.
By Daniel Dawson
Aug. 12, 2019 14:27 UTC

California-based olive oil sup­pli­ers Corto Olive, L.P. and Gemsa Enterprises, LLC have set­tled a trade­mark infringe­ment law­suit, accord­ing to a press state­ment released today.

Gemsa denied Corto Olive’s claims that the com­pany had fla­grantly” infringed upon Corto Olive’s 51 – 49 trade­marked pack­ag­ing but agreed to cease using all of the pack­age designs, recall all unsold olive oils which used that pack­ag­ing, and use new pack­age designs that Corto has approved.

Corto Olive agreed to the set­tle­ment and dis­missed its law­suit.

Corto is com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing its intel­lec­tual prop­erty and to pro­tect­ing our cus­tomers,” Tom Cortopassi, the senior man­ag­ing part­ner of Corto Olive, said. This agree­ment achieves that objec­tive.”

Emilio Viscomi, the founder and co-owner of Gemsa, said steps were already being taken to fol­low the set­tle­ment and added that he was look­ing for­ward to mov­ing past the dis­pute.

Gemsa Oils has now taken steps to dif­fer­en­ti­ate our pack­ag­ing from that of Corto Olive,” Viscomi said. We are glad to put this dis­pute behind us.”


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