`Olive Council Decision-Makers Meeting This Week in Madrid - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Council Decision-Makers Meeting This Week in Madrid

By Julie Butler
Nov. 27, 2013 10:18 UTC


The future of the International Olive Council is among key top­ics to be dis­cussed at the annual ses­sion of its deci­sion-mak­ing organ, the Council of Members, in Madrid this week.

Representatives of the IOC’s 18 mem­bers coun­tries are attend­ing the ses­sion and for the first time are joined by a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the United States — believed to be a Madrid-based employee of the U.S. Department of Agriculture — attend­ing as an observer.

Running from November 25 to 29, the 101st reg­u­lar ses­sion of the coun­cil includes a range of meet­ings of spe­cial­ist com­mit­tees.

On Monday and Tuesday the Working Group on the Future of the IOC was to con­tinue debat­ing the future of the IOC in the lead-up to the expiry of the 2005 International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives at the end of next year.

Outcome of work on new test­ing meth­ods and new pro­mo­tion schemes also on the agenda

Among other top­ics to be dis­cussed at the coun­cil are:

- the pro­duc­tion, con­sump­tion and trade sta­tis­tics for olive oil and table olives for 2011/12 (final), 2012/13 (pro­vi­sional) and 2013/14 (esti­mated) are to be reported to the IOC’s Economic Committee by the Executive Secretariat

- pro­ducer prices and how cur­rency aspects affect inter­na­tional trade in olive oil will be analysed by the same com­mit­tee

- the con­clu­sions reached at meet­ings of the work­ing groups on IOC sta­tis­tics and the har­monised tar­iff codes sys­tem will be pre­sented

- pro­mo­tion activ­i­ties sched­uled for 2014 and those car­ried out since the last, extra­or­di­nary ses­sion of the IOC will be reviewed by the Promotion Committee

- the pro­posed approval of a grant for generic pro­mo­tional activ­i­ties to boost con­sump­tion in IOC mem­ber coun­tries will be put to Committee mem­bers

- the out­come of work on new test­ing meth­ods and of the olive oil authen­tifi­ca­tion sem­i­nar, the Mario Solinas Quality Award, the con­clu­sions of the work­ing group on qual­ity strat­egy, the har­mon­i­sa­tion of the Codex and IOC table olive stan­dards and the IOC lab­o­ra­tory and panel recog­ni­tion scheme will be among mat­ters reported by the Executive Secretariat to the Technical Committee

- results from sev­eral ongo­ing projects (irri­ga­tion man­age­ment (IRRIGAOLIVO), genetic resources (RESGEN), pilot demon­stra­tion olive nurs­eries, world olive germplasm col­lec­tions, car­bon foot­print) will be shared with the same com­mit­tee

- the IOC bud­get, the con­tri­bu­tions of the mem­ber coun­tries, and pro­posed amend­ments to admin­is­tra­tive pro­ce­dures are among items to be dis­cussed by the Financial Committee

Welcome to new IOC mem­ber Uruguay

On Thursday evening the IOC is host­ing a World Olive Day recep­tion for del­e­ga­tions, the press and the diplo­matic corps.

The ple­nary ses­sion on Friday will include an offi­cial wel­come to Uruguay, the IOC’s newest Member, after which IOC Executive Director Jean-Louis Barjol will present his activ­ity report and the chairs of each IOC com­mit­tee, includ­ing the IOC Advisory Committee, will report on the out­come of their delib­er­a­tions.

The IOC’s 18 mem­bers are Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Croatia, Egypt, the European Union, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Uruguay.

Members of the press are not allowed to observe IOC meet­ings.


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