`In Spain, Olive Oil Sales Rise with Margins Along Production Chain - Olive Oil Times
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In Spain, Olive Oil Sales Rise with Margins Along Production Chain

By Paolo DeAndreis
Sep. 19, 2022 14:00 UTC

Despite chal­lenges loom­ing on the hori­zon, olive oil sales in Spain remain robust, with grow­ing mar­gins for the whole pro­duc­tion chain.

According to the data released by the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, olive oil millers sold 95,400 tons of olive oil in the period, with over­all fig­ures for the cam­paign ris­ing from 1,343,015 mil­lion tons in July to 1,438,415 mil­lion tons in August.

Without any doubt, we are going through the best mar­ket­ing cam­paign ever gen­er­ated in the olive sec­tor.- Cristóbal Cano, sec­re­tary-gen­eral, UPA Andalusia

The Agency for Information and Food Control (AICA) reported that total olive oil sales for August in the coun­try reached 116,000 tons, a 28-per­cent increase com­pared to the same period of the past year.

Cristóbal Cano, sec­re­tary-gen­eral of the Union of Small Farmers (UPA) Andalusia, told Agroinformación that sales num­bers make us opti­mistic, as we can hope to end the cam­paign with at least 1.6 mil­lion tons sold.”

See Also:Agricultural Incomes Rise in Andalusia, Boosted by Resurgent Olive Oil Sector

Farmers esti­mate that they will have a record year in terms of sales. Without any doubt, we are going through the best mar­ket­ing cam­paign ever gen­er­ated in the olive sec­tor as for eco­nomic vol­umes, which is also due to rea­son­able prices that do not stop ris­ing,” Cano said

The Ministry of Agriculture projects prices at source being 15 per­cent higher than those reported one year ago,” he added.

According to the Information System of Olive Markets (SIMO), olive oil stocks exceeded 580,000 tons at the end of August, the vast major­ity of which were owned by millers and bot­tlers.

If September stays on the same path in terms of num­bers, with these data, we can expect to end up with 400,000 tons [in stor­age],” said Luis Carlos Valero, spokesman of the Association of Young Farmers and Ranchers in Jaén. We will be very atten­tive to the data of the incom­ing month.”

Experts noted that ris­ing prices are ben­e­fit­ing the entire pro­duc­tion chain, includ­ing tra­di­tional grow­ers. According to Poolred, prices are sky­rock­et­ing. For exam­ple, extra vir­gin olive oil prices rose from €3.82 per liter reported on August 15 to €3.99 on September 15.

Yet, the extreme drought in Spain is expected to bring a near-record-low har­vest this sea­son, with some esti­mates that pro­duc­tion will fall below 1 mil­lion tons for the first time in nearly a decade.

The struc­tural drought we are fac­ing makes us fear for the future,” Cano told Extra Jaén. Should September con­firm this ten­dency of reduced rain­fall, we will have a bad sea­son, as many areas of Andalusia are already with­out olives, and in those areas where irri­ga­tion works, the fruit does not fol­low the desir­able devel­op­ment.”


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