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Olive Oil World Tour Campaign Relaunches in Spain

From July through September, thousands of passengers boarding the high-speed ferry, Cecilia Payne, will be reminded of Spain's olive oil sector.
Interprofessional president Pedro Barato spoke with reporters at the port of Denia
By Daniel Dawson
Jul. 16, 2020 09:49 UTC

The Interprofessional Organization of Spanish Olive Oil has teamed up with the ship­ping com­pany Baleària in an effort to bol­ster tourism in the after­math of the Covid-19 pan­demic and pro­mote Spain’s strug­gling olive oil sec­tor.

At the port of Denia, in the south­east­ern province of Alicante, the pres­i­dents of both orga­ni­za­tions unveiled the newly-dec­o­rated high-speed ferry, Cecilia Payne, which now has the Olive Oil World Tour cam­paign logo promi­nently embla­zoned on its side.

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We want trav­el­ers to know that we have a gas­tro­nomic gem that is tasty, ver­sa­tile and very healthy,” Pedro Barato, pres­i­dent of the Interprofessional, said.

But I want to high­light that today’s event goes beyond a pro­mo­tional action,” he added. Here we are, rep­re­sent­ing two fun­da­men­tal sec­tors of our econ­omy, work­ing together, to con­quer the new nor­mal. We are all in the same boat.”

The Cecilia Payne runs from the Spanish main­land to the pop­u­lar tourist des­ti­na­tions of Ibiza and Palmadurante through­out the year. From July through September, the thou­sands of tourists who board the ship will be reminded of the Spanish olive oil sec­tor.

Join the healthy European lifestyle with olive oils from Spain. Olive oil makes a tastier world,” is writ­ten in large, bolded cap­i­tal let­ters on the ferry’s hull, sur­rounded by the rest of the logo.

The Olive Oil World Tour cam­paign was launched in 2018 with the sup­port of the European Union.

The goal is to raise aware­ness about extra vir­gin olive oils from the E.U. in key inter­na­tional mar­kets, includ­ing the United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, China, Japan and Taiwan.

The effort is largely focused on major tran­sit hubs, with tast­ing areas and infor­ma­tional booths set up in some of the world’s busiest ports, air­ports and train sta­tions.


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