`Alternative Energy Powers Olive Oil Producer in Chile’s Maule Region - Olive Oil Times
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Alternative Energy Powers Olive Oil Producer in Chile’s Maule Region

By Charlie Higgins
Jan. 4, 2012 16:51 UTC

Miguel Alonso Romanini, regional director of SERCOTEC with Mauricio Vegurth

An inde­pen­dent olive oil pro­ducer in cen­tral Chile will start off 2012, which has been declared International Year of Sustainable Energy for All” by the UN, with a bang thanks to sup­port from the Technical Cooperation Service (SERCOTEC), a sub­comit­tee of the Chilean Ministry of Finance.

Mauricio Vegurth has received fund­ing from the orga­ni­za­tion to build two solar pan­els, a wind tower and a sus­tain­able hydra­tion sys­tem for his five-acre olive grove this year. SERCOTEC has ensured that these small but mean­ing­ful inno­va­tions will make a big impact on Vegurth’s pro­duc­tiv­ity.

Incorporating renew­able energy into this and other kinds of agro-busi­nesses helps to reduce costs, reduce pol­lu­tion and increase pro­duc­tion sig­nif­i­cantly, so I think Mauricio will be a great model to emu­late,” said Miguel Alonso Romanini, regional direc­tor of SERCOTEC.

It doesn’t seem like much at first glance — a wind tower and two solar pan­els — but it can really have a huge impact. It’s a step for­ward for this olive pro­ducer that will allow him to grow and pro­duce up to 33 per­cent more oil,” Romanini added.

Vegurth’s grove is located in Maule, a scarcely pop­u­lated and mostly rural region con­sid­ered to be the heart of Chile’s wine and olive indus­tries. In November the region hosted FENERMAULE 2011, a con­fer­ence ded­i­cated to renew­able energy and the envi­ron­ment.

By elim­i­nat­ing oil-based fuels I’ll be able to reduce my costs by 30 per­cent. I’ll no longer bother my neigh­bors with the motor noise or con­t­a­m­i­nate the area, and I’ll be able to pro­duce an addi­tional 200 liters of my pre­mium oil,” Vegurth noted.


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