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Argentina Advises Bolivia on Olive Oil Production

By Daniel Williams
Aug. 13, 2010 21:18 UTC

By Daniel Williams
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Reporting from Barcelona

Argentina Gives Bolivia Technical Assistance to Increase Olive Oil Production in the Region

Representatives of the city of Yacuiba, Bolivia met with author­i­ties from the Secretary of Agriculture of Rioja, Argentina to receive tech­ni­cal advice from Argentinean agri­cul­tural experts in order to increase Bolivian olive oil pro­duc­tion. The infor­ma­tion exchange was led by La Rioja’s Secretary of Agriculture, Jorge Ortiz, and Yacuiba’s head of Economic Development, Hugo Zurita.

The meet­ing took place at the office of the Secretary of Agriculture and included tech­ni­cal teams from both par­ties as well as rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Yacuiba’s Engineering College, inde­pen­dent olive oil pro­duc­ers and var­i­ous mem­bers of the Yacuiba com­mu­nity. Secretary Ortiz explained that the edu­ca­tional ini­tia­tive was prompted after a visit to Yacuiba by La Rioja’s Minister of Education, Walter Flores.

Yacuiba, Bolivia

Speaking after the infor­ma­tional inter­change, Mr. Ortiz explained, we saw what we were pro­duc­ing and what we were doing in the province [La Rioja] and how we were com­ing to develop our olive oil indus­try in dif­fer­ent steps so we sought a way to trans­mit our expe­ri­ences and our tech­nol­ogy. We wanted to cre­ate coop­er­a­tive ties with our sis­ter repub­lic Bolivia because we felt that we had accu­mu­lated expe­ri­ence that we could share. Their zones are very sim­i­lar to ours and can eas­ily pro­duce olive oil.”[1]

In response, Mr. Zurita, Yacuiba’s head of Economic Development, expressed his grat­i­tude: We would like to thank the Secretary who we have received with open arms after our del­e­ga­tion of 15 peo­ple exchanged expe­ri­ences regard­ing the cul­ti­va­tion of alter­na­tive prod­ucts like olive oil. We are so grate­ful for the time they have given us and now, with the pres­ence of our mayor, we hope to sign an agree­ment and inter-insti­tu­tional pact from which both coun­tries will ben­e­fit.“1

Argentina is cur­rently the largest pro­ducer of olive oil in Latin and South America and indus­try experts pre­dict pro­duc­tion to dou­ble in the next decade.



[1] Nueva Rioja, August 12, 2010. La Rioja aseso­rará a Yacuiba en el cul­tivo de la vid y el olivo ”


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