`Argentina’s Yancanelo Gets New Bottling Line - Olive Oil Times
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Argentina’s Yancanelo Gets New Bottling Line

By Charlie Higgins
Jul. 5, 2011 12:31 UTC

Yancanelo, a major pro­ducer of extra vir­gin olive oil in Argentina’s Mendoza prov­i­dence, has announced it will invest 500,000 pesos ($121,833) in a new bot­tling line at its plant in San Rafael. With this move the com­pany triples its bot­tling capac­ity and secures its place as the country’s biggest bot­tler of olive oil.

Founded in 1943, Yancanelo was the region’s first olive oil fac­tory and has been pro­duc­ing extra vir­gin olive oils in Argentina for over 60 years. Yancanelo exports its prod­ucts to venders in Italy, Venezuela, Brazil and the United States. The com­pany cur­rently offers two extra vir­gin oils: Yancanelo Tradicional and Yancanelo Sinolea Method.

Yancanelo also oper­ates an olive oil museum and offers tours of its plant through­out the year. The museum gives vis­i­tors a chance to learn about tra­di­tional olive oil pro­duc­tion meth­ods, view antique machin­ery and enjoy a gourmet lunch fea­tur­ing dif­fer­ent olive oils and other regional prod­ucts.

With approx­i­mately 30,000 vis­i­tors per year, Yancanelo’s plant is the most vis­ited in Argentina. The plant is equipped with a dozen 500-ton stain­less steel stor­age tanks, a high-tech qual­ity con­trol lab­o­ra­tory and now a state-of-the-art bot­tling line that can pump out 5,000 kg of olive oil per hour.

This is an impor­tant invest­ment for Yancanelo. It allows us to increase our capac­ity and respond to mar­ket demand, both for our own prod­ucts and those of third par­ties, ” said Gian Franco Andreani, head of Yancanelo’s hold­ing com­pany, Grupo Agroindustrial Andreani. The group also owns Meridiano (con­serves, pick­les and jams), Umbro (wine) and around 2,470 acres of olive groves in Mendoza.

This invest­ment will allow us to man­age the boom in sales and expand the diver­sity of our pro­duc­tion. In Argentina less than 50 per­cent of olive oil is bot­tled at the source, unlike wine of which is 100 per­cent is bot­tled at the source. We’re hop­ing that the sit­u­a­tion changes and the indus­try ben­e­fits, result­ing in prod­ucts of higher qual­ity for both the domes­tic and inter­na­tional mar­kets,” Andreani added.


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