`Chile Looks for Stronger Ties with Andalusia - Olive Oil Times
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Chile Looks for Stronger Ties with Andalusia

By Charlie Higgins
Mar. 2, 2012 10:04 UTC

Encouraged by strong num­bers in recent years, Chile has asked Andalusia to lend tech­no­log­i­cal and eco­nomic sup­port to help expand its emerg­ing olive oil sec­tor and estab­lish a strate­gic busi­ness alliance” between the two enti­ties.

Sergio Romero Pizarro, the Chilean Ambassador to Spain, rep­re­sented the South American coun­try in a series of talks with Mayor of Jaén José E. Fernández de Moya and indus­try rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Pizarro used the occa­sion to invite busi­nesses and entre­pre­neurs from the Andalusian cap­i­tal to invest in Chile’s grow­ing sec­tor.

We need Jaén-based com­pa­nies’ tech­nol­ogy and expe­ri­ence in the area of olive oil pro­duc­tion,” said Pizarro.“We are now cre­at­ing the nec­es­sary con­di­tions to pro­duce olives in one of the most arid zones of the coun­try and this requires Jaén’s help.”

Pizarro pointed to the tremen­dous growth poten­tial for agrobusi­ness along the Chilean coast­line, par­tic­u­larly given its close prox­im­ity to Asia.

We have 4,500 kilo­me­ters of land over­look­ing the Pacific and we want that invest­ment to stay in Chile,” he said.

Moya, along with pres­i­dent of the Chamber of Commerce Luis Carlos García, responded pos­i­tively, acknowl­edg­ing the great oppor­tu­ni­ties” for Andalusian busi­nesses in Chile, above all for the enor­mous employ­ment pos­si­bil­i­ties.”

Moya encour­aged Jaén busi­ness own­ers to edu­cate them­selves about the myr­iad com­mer­cial and employ­ment prospects in Chile, adding,“It’s a coun­try that guar­an­tees invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and is one you can bet on.”

According to data col­lected by the Chamber of Commerce, Jaén-based com­pa­nies made over €3.3 mil­lion in the Chilean mar­ket in 2010. There are cur­rently at least five com­pa­nies in the Spanish province that trade reg­u­larly in Chile, and dozens more have dis­played inter­est in the emerg­ing mar­ket.

We are deter­mined to get­ting Spain and Europe to look west, to look towards the Americas that love them,” the Chilean Ambassador said.


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