`UC Davis Olive Center Appoints New Director - Olive Oil Times
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UC Davis Olive Center Appoints New Director

By Daniel Dawson
Feb. 10, 2021 06:16 UTC

Javier Fernandez-Salvador has been appointed as the new exec­u­tive direc­tor of the University of California, Davis Olive Center.

The assis­tant pro­fes­sor at the agri­cul­tural exten­sion ser­vice of Oregon State University cur­rently leads the Olea project, ded­i­cated to research­ing and pro­mot­ing olive cul­ti­va­tion in the state.

I am hon­ored to receive this appoint­ment and eager to part­ner with California’s world-class olive grow­ers and proces­sors, as well as my new col­leagues at UC Davis.- Javier Fernandez-Salvador, Olea Project lead researcher

Having also served as an exten­sion spe­cial­ist ear­lier in my career, I know that Javier will under­stand how to work closely with grow­ers and be respon­sive to their needs,” said Helene Dillard, the dean of the university’s depart­ment of agri­cul­tural and envi­ron­men­tal sci­ences.

I am con­fi­dent that he will con­tinue to advance the excel­lence of the UC Davis Olive Center,” she added.

See Also:Olive Center Updates

Fernandez-Salvador will begin at his new posi­tion in June, replac­ing Dan Flynn, who founded the Olive Center and served as its exec­u­tive direc­tor for 12 years.


Javier Fernandez-Salvador

Flynn, who announced last September that he would be leav­ing the Olive Center this year, said that he had accom­plished what he set out to do with the cen­ter but would con­tinue serv­ing as an infor­mal adviser.

Javier is a great fit for the posi­tion,” Flynn said. He knows agri­cul­ture and under­stands the uni­ver­sity. He likes peo­ple and they like him back.”

Fernandez-Salvador said that he already has plans for the center’s new direc­tion and future per­spec­tives.

I am hon­ored to receive this appoint­ment and eager to part­ner with California’s world-class olive grow­ers and proces­sors, as well as my new col­leagues at UC Davis,” Fernandez-Salvador said.

After learn­ing about the oppor­tu­ni­ties for work­ing with such an impor­tant indus­try, I’m look­ing for­ward to help­ing advance the mis­sion of the Olive Center,” he added.


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