`USDA Extends Coronavirus Relief to Olive Growers - Olive Oil Times
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USDA Extends Coronavirus Relief to Olive Growers

By Daniel Dawson
Sep. 22, 2020 10:43 UTC

After being excluded from the first round of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Covid-19 food assis­tance pro­gram, olive grow­ers are eli­gi­ble for fed­eral relief in the sec­ond round.

The USDA has made $14 bil­lion avail­able in this sec­ond round of fund­ing. Applications can be made through farm­ers’ local USDA county office from September 21, 2020 through December 11, 2020. The max­i­mum amount of aid awarded to any one farmer or com­pany will be $250,000.

See Also:Covid-19 Updates

Olive oil pay­ments will be based on the producer’s self-cer­ti­fied 2019 sales of olive oil in a declin­ing block for­mat… and will be equal to the amount of the olive oil producer’s eli­gi­ble sales in cal­en­dar year 2019, mul­ti­plied by the pay­ment rate for that range,” the CEO and pres­i­dent of the American Olive Oil Producers Association, Kimberly Houlding, wrote in a let­ter to mem­bers.

The pay­ment gra­da­tion for olive oil are as fol­lows:

As a prac­ti­cal exam­ple, if an olive oil pro­ducer earned $75,000 in sales dur­ing the 2019 cal­en­dar year, their pay­ment would be $7,775. The pro­ducer would receive $5,300 for the amount of sales up to $49,999 and an addi­tional $2,475 for the rest of the sales from $50,000 to $75,000.

The only cases in which a pro­ducer will receive less than this cal­cu­la­tion is if they had sales of more than $1 mil­lion in 2019, in which case they would receive the max­i­mum amount of $250,000.

Olive oil pay­ments for pro­duc­ers who began farm­ing in 2020 and had no sales in 2019 will be based on the producer’s actual 2020 sales as of the producer’s appli­ca­tion date,” Houlding wrote.

Eligible sales only include sales of olive oil grown by the pro­ducer,” she added. The por­tion of sales derived from adding value to the olive oil, such as pro­cess­ing and pack­ag­ing, and from sales of prod­ucts pur­chased for resale, is not included in the pay­ment cal­cu­la­tion.”


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