`27th ‘Golds of Lazio’ Announces 2020 Winners - Olive Oil Times
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27th ‘Golds of Lazio’ Announces 2020 Winners

By Ylenia Granitto
Apr. 8, 2020 09:09 UTC

Orii del Lazio (Golds of Lazio), estab­lished as a pre-selec­tion for the Ercole Olivario national award, has gained its own sta­tus over the years, being attended by the top pro­duc­ers of the Capital region.

Olive oils pro­duced in the Central Italian region of Lazio were assessed dur­ing tast­ing ses­sions held at the chem­i­cal lab­o­ra­tory of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome in February.

The orga­nizer, Unioncamere Lazio, recently decided to dis­close the 2020 win­ners with a press release, in the wake of the mea­sures imposed by the Italian gov­ern­ment to coun­ter­act the Covid-19 out­break and announced that the date of the award cer­e­mony for the 27th edi­tion of the con­test will be com­mu­ni­cated soon.

Ercole Olivario, which tra­di­tion­ally takes place in Perugia was also post­poned until con­di­tions per­mit,” the Italian Union of the Chambers of Commerce stated.

In the Orii del Lazio event, entries are cat­e­go­rized by region: Sabina, Canino, Tuscia, and Colline Pontine.

Among the win­ners, Alessandro Donati of Frantoio Narducci, in Moricone, was awarded first prize in the light-fruity Sabina DOP cat­e­gory for a blend of Frantoio, Salviana, and Carboncella.

We are happy with this result, which is an impor­tant recog­ni­tion of our work,” Donati told Olive Oil Times.

This is no time to cel­e­brate yet but, in our small way, we ded­i­cate this recog­ni­tion to all the peo­ple affected by this seri­ous issue, not for­get­ting those who are on the front lines to keep us safe,” he said. It is our hope and wish that all this will end soon, and bet­ter days will come, to bloom again and cel­e­brate all together.”


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