`Ercole Olivario Celebrates 30th Anniversary, Introduces Oleotourism Award - Olive Oil Times
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Ercole Olivario Celebrates 30th Anniversary, Introduces Oleotourism Award

By Ylenia Granitto
Mar. 31, 2022 17:23 UTC

Ercole Olivario cel­e­brated its 30th anniver­sary at a spe­cial edi­tion of the com­pe­ti­tion, ded­i­cated to the best Italian extra vir­gin olive oils, which has become a land­mark for the country’s high-qual­ity pro­duc­ers.

Organized by the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Chamber of Commerce of Umbria, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Development and the sup­port of the groups Unaprol and Italia Olivicola, the event con­cluded with an award cer­e­mony held on March 26 in Perugia.

The level has increased over time, and the oils were all so excel­lent that it was not easy to select the win­ners of the var­i­ous cat­e­gories.- Maria Grazia D’Angelo, Ercole Olivario taster

As it usu­ally is, Ercole Olivario was used as the moment to launch a series of ini­tia­tives to pro­mote the pro­duc­tion and the ter­ri­to­ries con­nected to them.

Quality, bio­di­ver­sity and the bond with the ter­ri­tory can rep­re­sent an added value not only in terms of pro­duc­tion but also from the point of view of tourism,” said Roberta Garibaldi, chief exec­u­tive of the Italian national tourist board Enit.


The 30th Ercole Olivario panel

Italy will be able to play a lead­ing role in this sec­tor in the years to come,” she added ahead of intro­duc­ing a new award, the Giorgio Phellas – Oil Tourism’ men­tion of merit, meant for the com­pa­nies that invest in oleo­tourism.

During the event, 12 extra vir­gin olive oils out of 110 final­ists were awarded after being assessed by a panel of 16 tasters, each rep­re­sent­ing the com­pet­ing regions.

The team led by the panel leader Alfredo Marasciulo was made up of: Maria Grazia D’Angelo (Abruzzo), Cristiana Rombolà (Calabria), Giovanni Parlato (Campania), Giovanni Goisis (Emilia Romagna), Erika Pozzetto (Lazio), Igino Gelone (Liguria), Enrico Tosadori (Lombardy), Silvano Zannotti (Marche), Tommasino Baroncini (Molise), Luana Leo Imperiale (Puglia), Annalisa Motzo (Sardinia), Giuseppe Iannizzotto (Sicily), Alessandro Parenti (Tuscany), Andrea Segantini (Trentino Alto Adige), Angela Canale (Umbria) and Roberta Ruggeri (Veneto).

The best per­for­mance came from Sardinia, Lazio and Puglia pro­duc­ers, which received the high­est num­ber of awards.

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The qual­ity was as high as ever,” D’Angelo told Olive Oil Times. The level has increased over time, and the oils were all so excel­lent that it was not easy to select the win­ners of the var­i­ous cat­e­gories.”

This reveals that not only the expe­ri­ence but also the research and the tech­ni­cal sup­port of the experts over the years have been taken on board and imple­mented by the com­pa­nies,” she added. I truly believe that com­pet­ing is very use­ful for the pro­duc­ers to mea­sure them­selves with other farm­ers and improve their work and the qual­ity of prod­ucts.”

The first round of selec­tions for the Ercole Olivario awards occurred at a regional level in the pre­vi­ous weeks.

Among the entries, 16 labels were admit­ted to the com­pe­ti­tion after win­ning the Orii del Lazio (Golds of Lazio) con­test, held at the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, now in its 29th year; 13 oils were selected dur­ing the 23rd edi­tion of Oro Verde dell’Umbria (Green Gold of Umbria), held at the Chamber of Commerce of Umbria.

A com­plete list of the 2022 win­ners, includ­ing the recip­i­ents of the spe­cial awards, may be found on the Ercole Olivario web­site.


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