`Olive Oil Takes Center Stage at Madrid Tourism Exhibition 'Fitur' - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Takes Center Stage at Madrid Tourism Exhibition 'Fitur'

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
Jan. 22, 2012 13:48 UTC

Olive oil became a star prod­uct in the lat­est edi­tion of the inter­na­tional tourism fair, Fitur 2012, that took place in Madrid this week, with tast­ings in the exhi­bi­tion pavil­ions of Andalusia, La Rioja, Catalonia and Portugal.

Many ini­tia­tives were focused on olive oil. The actor Juan Echanove, who hosted an enter­tain­ment pro­gram ded­i­cated to the span­ish gas­tron­omy called Un país para comérselo, pre­sented a Guide through the Ancient Olive Trees” in the Sénia Territory.

The Andalusian province of Jaén and its olive juice stole the spot­light with two pre­sen­ta­tions: the new Museum of Olive Oil and Sustainability, located in the Science and Technology Park of Geolit; and the Jaén Selection 2012” awards.

The pres­i­dent of the Provincial Council of Jaén, Francisco Reyes, and the del­e­gate of the Government of Andalusia in Jaén , Purificación Galvez, accom­pa­nied by Deputy Employment, Promotion and Tourism, Angeles Férriz, and the Provincial Delegate of Agriculture and Fisheries, Roque Lara, explained the main char­ac­ter­is­tics of the new museum which will be a ref­er­ence cen­ter for knowl­edge and olive oil.”

Francisco Reyes, Purificación Galvez, Lara and Angel Ferriz Roque, announce the new Museum of Olive Oil and Sustainability.

The cen­ter, set to open soon, will become the epi­cen­ter of dif­fer­ent routes and cul­tures held together by olive oil. Gastronomy, health and new tech­nolo­gies in the pro­duc­tion of olive oil will be the main goals that the cen­ter will pur­sue.

The provin­cial admin­is­tra­tion and the regional gov­ern­ment have already invested 7.3 mil­lion euros in the con­struc­tion of the build­ing which occu­pies an area of 3,000 square meters and will be man­aged by the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of the Olive and Olive Oil. The main dif­fer­ence between Jaén and the rest of the olive oil ter­ri­to­ries is our great tourist attrac­tions,” noted Reyes.

Jaén Selección 2012

Jaen gave vis­i­tors the oppor­tu­nity to taste, learn and appre­ci­ate the fla­vors and qual­i­ties of extra vir­gin olive oils that have been recently included in Jaén Selection 2012.” Producers of these out­stand­ing extra vir­gin olive oils were rec­og­nized with an award for their efforts on qual­ity. After this activ­ity, the famous span­ish singer Raphael tasted the olive oils, as well as the Princess of Asturias, who had the chance to appre­ci­ate the spe­cial fla­vors and col­ors of Jaen’s best prod­uct: extra vir­gin olive oil.

The Jaén Selection 2012 olive oils were: Fuenroble, Melgarejo Gourmet, La Quinta Esencia, Tuccioliva Gran Selección, Nobleza del Sur Centenarium Premium, Oro de Cánava y Oro Bailén Reserva Familiar, and the brands Castillo de Canena and Cortijo La Torre Premium.

Mercacei arti­cles also appear in Mercacei mag­a­zine and are not edited by Olive Oil Times.

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