`L.A. Competition Announces Southern Hemisphere Winners - Olive Oil Times
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L.A. Competition Announces Southern Hemisphere Winners

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Jul. 25, 2014 09:02 UTC

Winners for the Southern Hemisphere edi­tion of the Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition were recently cho­sen from among 139 entries. 66 pro­duc­ers hail­ing from Argentina, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay par­tic­i­pated in the com­pe­ti­tion, which cel­e­brated its 15th year.

This year’s Best of Show prizes went to Colinas de Garzon of Uruguay in the Delicate” cat­e­gory; Alonso Olive Oil of Chile in the Medium” cat­e­gory; and Olave of Chile in the Robust” cat­e­gory. Alonso Olive Oil also received the Marco Mugelli Award given in mem­ory of the for­mer com­pe­ti­tion judge and renowned expert.

A total of 48 Gold Medal Awards, 25 Silver Medal Awards and 20 Bronze Medal Awards were given out. Though it did not receive a Best of Show des­ig­na­tion, New Zealand took home an impres­sive thir­teen gold medals, nearly a third of all the gold medals awarded, as well as four sil­ver medals and two bronze.

The suc­cess of New Zealand pro­duc­ers in the Los Angeles International Olive Oil Competition is a real tes­ta­ment to New Zealand being one of the top pro­duc­ers of Extra Virgin Olive Oil” said Gayle Sheridan, exec­u­tive offi­cer at Olives New Zealand.

Results of the 2014 Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition — Southern Hemisphere

BEST OF SHOW — Delicate

Colinas de Garzón, Uruguay Blends, Garzón, Uruguay


Alonso Olive Oil, Chile Mono Cultivar, Coratina, Chile


Olave, Chile Mono Cultivar, Organic, Nocellara, Chile

Marco Mugelli Award

Alonso Olive Oil, Chile Mono Cultivar, Coratina, Chile


Olave, Chile Mono Cultivar, Organic, Nocellara, Chile, Robust

Alonso Olive Oil, Chile Mono Cultivar, Coratina, Chile, Medium

Alonso Olive Oil, Chile Blends, Chile, Medium

Montefiori, Peru Mono Cultivar, Criolla, Tacna, Medium

Montefiori, Peru Mono Cultivar, Coratina, Tacna, Robust

Don Alfredo, Uruguay Blends, Arbequina/Manzanilla, Uruguay, Robust

Colinas De Garzón, Uruguay Blends, Garzon, Delicate

Colinas De Garzón, Uruguay Blends, Garzon, Medium

Cape Schanck Estate, Australia Mono Cultivar, Coratina, Mornington Peninsula, Medium

Chapman River Olives, Australia Blends, Fruity, Chapman Valley, Delicate

Chapman River Olives, Australia Blends, Robust, Chapman Valley, Robust

Cobram Estate, Australia Blends, Classic Flavour, Boort, Medium

VIRTUO, New Zealand Blends, Whangaripo Valley, Medium

Whangape Grove, New Zealand Blends, Tuscan Blend, Waikato, Medium

Rangihoua Estate, New Zealand Blends, Waiheke Blend, Waiheke Island, Robust

Matiatia Grove, New Zealand Blends, Blend 2, Waiheke Island, Robust

Matiatia Grove, New Zealand Blends, Waiheke Island, Robust


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