`Olio Capitale Takes Aim at International Markets - Olive Oil Times
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Olio Capitale Takes Aim at International Markets

By Luciana Squadrilli
Feb. 15, 2015 11:39 UTC

Over 10,000 vis­i­tors from around the world, 300 exhibitors and more then 90 dif­fer­ent brands dis­played and tasted by olive oil experts and enthu­si­asts. These are some of the fig­ures from last year’s 8th edi­tion of Olio Capitale, Italy’s most impor­tant exhibit fully ded­i­cated to top-qual­ity, extra vir­gin olive oil. And, orga­niz­ers say, they are not going to decrease for the 9th edi­tion, despite the unfor­tu­nate har­vest.

The beau­ti­ful city of Trieste will again host the expo, from March. 7 to 10. In the wel­com­ing loca­tion of the Stazione Marittima exhibitors will dis­play their prod­ucts: olive oil and table olives pro­duc­ers from Italy and through­out the Mediterranean basin, local gov­ern­ments pro­mot­ing prod­ucts and tourism, spe­cial­ized pub­lish­ing houses and many other ser­vices.

The mar­itime ter­mi­nal, over­look­ing the gulf and eas­ily acces­si­ble form the city’s cen­ter, wel­comes pro­duc­ers, buy­ers, tasters as well as tourists and res­i­dents curi­ous to learn more about extra vir­gin olive oils.

This year the fair will offer plenty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for every­one inter­ested in extra vir­gin olive oil. The Olio Capitale Cooking School will involve many Italian chefs hold­ing classes to show how to enhance both tra­di­tional and mod­ern recipes match­ing the right olive oil to every dish, be it a clas­si­cal or an unex­pected pair­ing.

As usual, the Oil Bar will dis­play all of the oils made by the exhibitors: expert tasters will lead vis­i­tors through guided tast­ings, explain­ing the spe­cific fea­tures of every prod­uct. Those who want to join the pop­u­lar jury will also be taught how to do a pro­fes­sional” sen­sory analy­sis to choose their favorite oils; their votes will decide the win­ners of the Olio Capitale 2015 com­pe­ti­tion, together with the votes given by pro­fes­sional tasters and chefs.

The fair’s main tar­get, how­ever, still is the trade: buy­ers and busi­ness vis­i­tors from around the world will attend the event, that this year will be even more focused on qual­ity and inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion. For this rea­son, the exhibit’s dates have been changed shift­ing from the whole week­end to a Saturday-Tuesday for­mula, where the last two days are only open to busi­ness atten­dance. Professional vis­i­tors can also ben­e­fit form a tai­lor-made pro­gram of busi­ness meet­ings and events specif­i­cally set up for buy­ers.

Over the last few years Olio Capitale was able to gain a key role in the Italian high qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil’s pro­tec­tion and pro­mo­tion,” said Antonio Paoletti, chair­man of Trieste’s Chamber of Commerce, one of the event main pro­mot­ers. The expo is a huge show­case for PDOs and qual­ity cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, that are becom­ing the most impor­tant way to safe­guard the best Made in Italy food pro­duc­tions all over the world.”


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