`First 'Oro Chile' to Recognize Latin American Olive Oil Excellence - Olive Oil Times
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First 'Oro Chile' to Recognize Latin American Olive Oil Excellence

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Sep. 9, 2013 08:10 UTC


The Chilean Center of Chemical Development (CEPEDEQ) is orga­niz­ing its first Latin American extra vir­gin olive oil com­pe­ti­tion, called Oro Chile 2013.

The goal of the com­pe­ti­tion, orga­niz­ers say, is to rec­og­nize the excel­lent qual­ity of extra vir­gin olive oils from pro­duc­ers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Uruguay.

CEPEDEQ’s IOC-rec­og­nized olive oil tast­ing panel will select extra vir­gin olive oils through the inten­sity of their fruiti­ness.” Then an inter­na­tional jury, lead by well-known olive oil pro­duc­tion and qual­ity expert Dr. Marino Uceda will judge the final­ists and choose the win­ners.

Oro Chile is spon­sored by ChileOliva, the Chilean olive oil pro­duc­ers’ asso­ci­a­tion.

The cer­e­mony will be held at the eleventh Chilean Olive Oil Producers Meeting on October 16th in Santiago.

For more infor­ma­tion, visit the com­pe­ti­tion web­site.


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