Poets, Journalists, Researchers Awarded Literary Prize

Twelve awards were handed out in Rome for poetry, fiction and scientific research related to olive oil.
7th Ranieri Filo della Torre literary prize at Confagricoltura headquarters in Rome
By Ylenia Granitto
Jun. 25, 2024 11:04 UTC

The 7th Ranieri Filo della Torre lit­er­ary prize con­cluded with an award cer­e­mony last month at Palazzo della Valle, Confagricoltura’s head­quar­ters in Rome.

Twelve awards were handed out to authors of olive oil-themed lit­er­ary and sci­en­tific works, and newly intro­duced spe­cial awards were given to pro­fes­sion­als for out­stand­ing olive oil sec­tor com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

The objec­tive we have set our­selves at the estab­lish­ment of the con­test is to enhance the strong inter­con­nec­tion between the olive tree and olive oil and cul­ture,” said Loriana Abbruzzetti, the cre­ator of the prize and pres­i­dent of Pandolea, a non-profit that brings together women in the olive oil sec­tor.

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The con­test was con­ceived to pay homage to Ranieri Filo della Torre, an impor­tant Italian olive-grow­ing fig­ure pas­sion­ate about art and cul­ture.

Over time, it has become an esteemed event in the olive oil sec­tor and an occa­sion to launch Pandolea’s national and inter­na­tional health and edu­ca­tion projects.

Last year’s prize was included in the cel­e­bra­tions of the association’s 20th anniver­sary, when the Cyrene Project, a pact for women’s health, was launched to spread healthy eat­ing habits and lifestyle based on the Mediterranean diet.


The winners of the 7th Ranieri Filo della Torre literary prize with some of the organizers and Marida Iacona della Motta Filo della Torre

The award is divided into two cat­e­gories: the sci­en­tific one, which rewards degree and doc­tor­ate the­ses, and the lit­er­ary one, which rewards short sto­ries, poems and haiku, a newly added sec­tion,” Abbruzzetti said.

All the works high­light the his­tory, regions, suc­cesses, tra­di­tions and inno­va­tions in olive grow­ing,” she added. The sci­en­tific works cover the lat­est research devel­op­ments and address cur­rent chal­lenges.”

In this edi­tion, we also intro­duced the spe­cial awards for olive oil com­mu­ni­ca­tion,” Abbruzzetti noted. We believe that the work of com­mu­ni­ca­tors in this sec­tor is fun­da­men­tal to dis­sem­i­nat­ing the cul­ture of qual­ity.”

The spe­cial awards were won by Nerina di Nunzio, a food and wine expert; Sabrina Pupillo, a food tech­nol­o­gist and influ­encer; Luciana Squadrilli, a food and wine jour­nal­ist; and Marzia Roncacci, a jour­nal­ist and tele­vi­sion host. The win­ners received paint­ings and pho­tographs from Italian visual artists.

Participation in the con­test is free and open to all. In this sev­enth edi­tion, 50 authors com­peted for the three podium places in each sec­tion.

During the event, the group of actors Lettori giUlivi read the win­ning works, some of which were pub­lished in the anthol­ogy Un filo d’olio by La Ruota Editrice.

Nerina Poggese, Tiziana Monari, and Sebastiano Mario Fiori are the poetry sec­tion win­ners (listed from first to third).

The short story sec­tion win­ners are Francesca Pecorella, Nerina Poggese and Sergio Malvasi.

The haiku sec­tion win­ners are Emanuela Capodarco, Antonio Sacco and Antonietta Tiberia.

The sci­en­tific sec­tion win­ners are Giuliana Prevete, with the PhD the­sis Liposomes as a ver­sa­tile tool for the deliv­ery of nat­ural antimi­cro­bials;” Andrea Fornetti, with the degree the­sis Evaluation of the new-con­cept rotat­ing effects on qual­ity and yield at the extrac­tion of vir­gin olive oils;” and Luigi Pacchiani, with the bach­e­lor the­sis Enhancement of nutraceu­ti­cals prop­er­ties of extra vir­gin olive oil through the use of its waste.”

Pandolea’s web­site and social media pro­vide infor­ma­tion about the Ranieri Filo della Torre Literary Prize, includ­ing how to reg­is­ter for the next edi­tion and about Pandolea’s ini­tia­tives.


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