`Prizes for Greek Olive Oils in Top Competition - Olive Oil Times
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Prizes for Greek Olive Oils in Top Competition

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Apr. 24, 2013 19:55 UTC

Gold Award Winner, Olea Groves

Olive oil pro­duc­ers and mar­keters from Greece were among the more than 700 con­tes­tants from all over the world that par­tic­i­pated in the New York International Olive Oil Competition last week. Greek brands won two Gold awards and thir­teen Silver in the 24 award cat­e­gories They did not man­age to receive a Best of Class” dis­tinc­tion given to the top scor­ing oil in each cat­e­gory. The most awards in the com­pe­ti­tion were gar­nered by Italy, Spain and the USA with a total of 83, 51 and 36 prizes respec­tively.

For Greece, the two Gold awards were earned by Olea Juice and AiQ 0,5, two prod­ucts that are made from olives of the Koroneiki and Manaki vari­eties. They are con­sid­ered gourmet olive oils sold in delis and spe­cial­ized stores. AiQ Executive Director Aris Xenofos told Agrotypos agri­cul­tural news por­tal, Olive oils that excel in com­pe­ti­tions like this become widely known and are highly appre­ci­ated by con­sumers and chefs world­wide.”

Silver Award Winner, Kyklopas

Producers from sev­eral dif­fer­ent olive oil pro­duc­ing ter­ri­to­ries of the coun­try won the Silver awards, includ­ing Anoskeli Agricultural Company S.A. from Crete, Mani Bläuel from Messinia, and Kyklopas S.A. from Thrace, while Silver awards were also pre­sented to com­pa­nies of Greeks abroad like Jordan Olivenöl and Kaldes Bros Trading.


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