`Sol D’Oro Competition To Launch Southern Hemisphere Edition in Chile - Olive Oil Times
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Sol D’Oro Competition To Launch Southern Hemisphere Edition in Chile

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Jul. 29, 2014 12:28 UTC
Alicia Moya (Panel Cata Chile), Carlos Furche (Chilean Minister for Agriculture), José Mingo (Panel Cata Chile), Carola Dummer (Panel Cata Chile) and Héctor Echeverría (FIA Director)

Santiago, Chile has been cho­sen as the host city for the upcom­ing Southern Hemisphere Sol D’Oro com­pe­ti­tion dur­ing the week of September 29. The event will mark the first time in its 12-year his­tory that the Verona, Italy-based com­pe­ti­tion moves beyond its bor­ders to rec­og­nize New World extra vir­gin olive oils on their home turf.

Led by Panel Cata Chile Association with sup­port from the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, the com­pe­ti­tion will adhere to the stan­dards estab­lished by the Italian ver­sion.

Like with the Italian com­pe­ti­tion, par­tic­i­pants from the Southern Hemisphere will sub­mit oils to be judged by a jury of experts. Submissions are divided into two main cat­e­gories, Extra Virgin and Organic, which are fur­ther sub­di­vided into Delicate, Average and Intense Fruit.

Within these cat­e­gories the Sol de Oro (Gold Medal), Sol de Plata (Silver Medal), and Sol de Bronce (Bronze Medal) will be awarded, along with seven hon­or­able men­tions. The win­ners will be fea­tured at next year’s Sol&Agrifood show in Verona as part of Vinitaly.

The Southern Hemisphere Sol D’Oro will pro­vide a show­case for the best extra vir­gin olive oils from this part of the world. Producers from Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, and Chile will have the oppor­tu­nity to pro­mote their prod­ucts inter­na­tion­ally with the seal of qual­ity that only Sol D’Oro can offer,” said José Mingo, pres­i­dent of Panel Cata Chile, in a press release.

In recent ver­sions of Sol D’Oro in Verona, the oils from the Southern Hemisphere have already begun to stand out for their qual­ity,” said Ettore Riello, pres­i­dent of Veronafiere, the orga­ni­za­tion behind Sol D’Oro.


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