`TerraOlivo 2012 Results Announced - Olive Oil Times
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TerraOlivo 2012 Results Announced

By Liz Tagami
Jun. 13, 2012 12:21 UTC

This week TerraOlivo announced results for the 3rd edi­tion of its inter­na­tional extra vir­gin olive oil com­pe­ti­tion in Jerusalem.

In all, 282 EVOOs of the 408 oils entered into the com­pe­ti­tion earned awards with 42 oils, or about 10 per­cent, of the entries obtain­ing the top Gran Prestige Gold Award” this year. Eleven coun­tries were rep­re­sented in the high­est rated EVOOs, about one-third from the Southern Hemisphere and two-thirds Northern Hemisphere.

The top oils scored higher than 85 on a 100-point scale where judges assessed 13 attrib­utes within the cat­e­gories of aroma, fla­vor, har­mony, com­plex­ity and per­sis­tence to derive the final num­ber.

Competition’s judges Raul Castellani and Antonio G. Lauro

The International Grand Champion Trophy went to Aroden SAT of Spain for their Cladivm Hojiblanca, and 23 other spe­cial awards of notice were bestowed for high scor­ers per region or type.

The orga­niz­ers noted that this edi­tion of TerraOlivo set records for receiv­ing sam­ples from 18 coun­tries (66 per­cent from out­side of Israel), its diver­sity of judges (from 10 coun­tries), and the sheer num­ber of sam­ples which exceeded 400.

In addi­tion to the inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion, TerraOlivo orga­nized a four-day olive oil con­fer­ence at venues in Tel Aviv and Nazareth. Speakers from Europe, Israel and the United States, includ­ing two rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the Israeli Ministry of Health, cov­ered olive oil fraud and the impact to EVOO pro­duc­tion.

An after­noon ses­sion was devoted to olive oil assess­ment and appre­ci­a­tion and, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Israeli Nutrition Week, a dozen pro­fes­sors and researchers from uni­ver­si­ties in Israel, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and the U.K. deliv­ered lec­tures on the effi­cacy of extra vir­gin olive oil in pro­mot­ing health and mit­i­gat­ing dis­ease.

See the com­plete results here (PDF).


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