`Paris Food Show Calls Olive Oils Marketed for Children "Innovative" - Olive Oil Times
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Paris Food Show Calls Olive Oils Marketed for Children "Innovative"

By Lindsey Partos
Nov. 1, 2010 12:05 UTC

By Lindsey Partos
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Reporting from Paris

With the plump new mar­ket of babies and chil­dren in their sights, a hand­ful of freshly-launched olive oil prod­ucts were lauded for their inno­v­a­tive edge at this year’s food busi­ness show SIAL in Paris.

Fully embrac­ing the health mes­sage linked to extra vir­gin olive oil, sev­eral firms have rolled out new prod­ucts with a mar­ket tar­get that marks a clear depar­ture from the adult con­sumer towards the youngest slice of the pop­u­la­tion.

From a poten­tial pool of 985 new prod­ucts, a jury at SIAL selected 400 prod­ucts for their inno­v­a­tive angle. XTC Innovation man­ag­ing direc­tor Xavier Terlet, and a
mem­ber of the jury, reminded a con­fer­ence audi­ence that plea­sure is fun­da­men­tal for inno­va­tion’.

It is plea­sure before all. It may seem obvi­ous, but this is not always so. It must be the first moti­va­tion and the first guar­an­tee to the con­sumer,” he said.

The three olive oil prod­ucts hand-picked by a SIAL jury for their inno­v­a­tive angle inher­ently use the health asso­ci­a­tions increas­ingly linked to extra vir­gin olive oil to mar­ket their prod­ucts for babies and chil­dren.

Spanish firm Monva launched the Oliver petit gourmet’ prod­uct in a plas­tic, hand-pumped 250ml bot­tle with a secu­rity open­ing sys­tem. The prod­uct was selected for the babies tar­get, new to this cat­e­gory’, say the jury. Indeed, the box for the pack­ag­ing is embla­zoned with a photo of a laugh­ing baby, clearly flag­ging up the tar­get mar­ket.

With its vibrant, colour­ful pack­ag­ing, alpha­bet let­ters and infant draw­ings, the tar­get mar­ket is clear for span­ish firm Vega Carabanas PequeOliva brand of extra vir­gin olive oil.

According to the jury, the extra vir­gin olive oil prod­uct that mixes the olive vari­eties Picual and Arbequina, also meets sophis­ti­ca­tion’ and easy to han­dle’ trends.

Packaging, mar­ket posi­tion­ing, and mer­chan­dis­ing’ are the key inno­va­tions noted by the jury. Rolled out onto the mar­ket in December 2009, and with an eigh­teen-month shelf life, the prod­uct aims to reach fine food retail­ers, super­mar­kets and dietetic stores.

Selected by the com­mit­tee for its propo­si­tion of an oil tar­get­ing kids, the prod­uct under­lines an oil enriched in vit­a­mins A, D, K and E for babies that sup­ports phys­i­cal and intel­lec­tual devel­op­ment dur­ing the growth.”

The prod­uct is firmly rooted in fun’ and sophis­ti­ca­tion’ trends with its tast­ing notes of apple’ and fresh grass’ pack­aged in a color-block 250ml tin can.

The Kidsolio extra vir­gin olive oil from turk­ish firm Cosmopolitan also found the atten­tion of the jury who selected the prod­uct for its adap­ta­tion to the kids tar­get’. The brightly-coloured label on the 250ml bot­tle fea­tures big, vibrant, child-like let­ters and a rain­bow.

Pushing the health angle of the olive oil, the firm claims the prod­uct pro­vides some of essen­tial fatty acids as its ratio of linoleic acid linolenic acid is sim­i­lar to that of breast milk’, while the SIAL judges under­lined the sophis­ti­ca­tion, fun, med­ical and nat­u­ral­ity’ trends reflected in the Kidsolio prod­uct.


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