`Spain's Agriculture Minister Pledges 'Full Support' to Interprofessional - Olive Oil Times
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Spain's Agriculture Minister Pledges 'Full Support' to Interprofessional

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
Feb. 6, 2012 11:38 UTC


The Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete, met with rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español (Interprofessional) as part of the round of con­tacts ini­ti­ated by the Government with var­i­ous eco­nomic and social agents of the pri­mary sec­tor.

Competition rules, the sup­ply chain struc­ture, the pro­mo­tion of olive oil and the demands of the acti­va­tion of a new pri­vate olive oil stor­age were some of the issues dis­cussed at the meet­ing yes­ter­day in Madrid.

Described by Pedro Barato, President of the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional, as very pro­duc­tive,” it was the first meet­ing between the exec­u­tive mem­bers of the orga­ni­za­tion with the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The orga­ni­za­tion took the oppor­tu­nity to present Cañete with a report of the pro­mo­tional work done in the past three years, since its cre­ation.

Barato said the min­is­ter has very highly val­ued the cohe­sion of the olive oil sec­tor and the Interprofessional’s work that has been done to this point.”

During the meet­ing, the Interprofessional also detal­ied the strate­gic plan on which they are work­ing right now and out­lined the main pri­or­i­ties for the next three years.

Cañete asked for the Interprofessional’s col­lab­o­ra­tion in this new phase that the Ministry will face. Barato said We agreed with the Minister to con­tribute in the first draft of the con­sti­tu­tion of a law on mea­sures to improve the func­tion­ing of the food chain that the min­is­ter is dri­ving right now.”

But per­haps the most impor­tant scoop is the com­mit­ment of Arias Cañete for his full sup­port in the Interprofessional’s tasks,” Barato said.

The meet­ing also approached the ade­quacy of com­pe­ti­tion rules to the real­ity of the span­ish agribusi­ness sec­tor, with a high pro­te­go­nism of the Spanish olive oil.

Miguel Arias Cañete insisted in the need of con­certed efforts to pro­mote the Spain brand world­wide, a task in which the Interprofessional has made a con­sid­er­able effort in recent years.

Although Pedro Barato didn’t reveal any details, he did explain that the orga­ni­za­tion will give spe­cial impor­tance to the pro­mo­tion in coun­tries that have worked well in imports, such as Mexico, USA and China, while they will also strengthen efforts to con­sol­i­date European Union ini­tia­tives.

Mercacei arti­cles also appear in Mercacei mag­a­zine and are not edited by Olive Oil Times.

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