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What is Fatty acid composition?

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The Fatty acid pro­file is a mea­sure of the pro­por­tions of indi­vid­ual fatty acids in the oil and there­fore an impor­tant part of the oil qual­ity. The pro­por­tions of the dif­fer­ent fatty acids can influ­ence the sta­bil­ity of the oil as well as deter­min­ing the nutri­tional value of the oil. Some fatty acids are con­sid­ered bet­ter than oth­ers. For exam­ple, oleiacid — Which acquired its name from olive oil — is the most desir­able nutri­tion­ally. Linolenic acid, with three dou­ble bonds, is the most chem­i­cally reac­tive and there­fore unde­sir­able from the view of sta­bil­ity. Palmitic acid is a sat­u­rated fatty acid and is also unde­sir­able.
