`Europe Sets New Limits on Cadmium in Fruits and Vegetables - Olive Oil Times
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Europe Sets New Limits on Cadmium in Fruits and Vegetables

By Jasmina Nevada
Aug. 23, 2021 09:19 UTC

The European Commission has announced it will place new lim­its on the amount of cad­mium per­mit­ted in some fruits, veg­eta­bles, cere­als and oilseeds.

Cadmium is a heavy metal found both nat­u­rally in soil and as a byprod­uct of agri­cul­tural and indus­trial activ­i­ties. For non-smok­ers, food is the main source of expo­sure to cad­mium, which is also present in meat and dairy prod­ucts.

See Also:Health News

Maximum lev­els of cad­mium in food prod­ucts have existed in the European Union since 2001. These were last updated in 2014 when lim­its of cad­mium in choco­late, infant for­mula, baby food and processed cere­als were estab­lished. The new lim­its will come into force at the end of August.

We know that an unhealthy diet increases the risk of can­cer,” said Stella Kyriakides, Europe’s Health and Food Safety Commissioner. “[This] deci­sion aims to put con­sumers at the fore­front by mak­ing our food safer and health­ier, as we pledged in the frame­work of the European plan to fight can­cer.”

It is also a fur­ther step in strength­en­ing the European Union’s already high and world-class stan­dards in the E.U. food chain and pro­vid­ing safer, health­ier and more sus­tain­able food to con­sumers, our cit­i­zens,” she added.

The heavy metal has pre­vi­ously been detected in Spanish table olives and fla­vored olive oil sam­ples from Italy.

In high enough con­cen­tra­tions, cad­mium can cause renal fail­ure and bone dem­iner­al­iza­tion, result­ing in an increased risk of lung, blad­der, endometrium and breast can­cer. Vegetarians have a higher expo­sure to this metal, as they con­sume more plant-based foods.


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