`Following MedDiet Fortified With Polyphenols Reduces Visceral Adiposity - Olive Oil Times
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Following MedDiet Fortified With Polyphenols Reduces Visceral Adiposity

By Paolo DeAndreis
Oct. 24, 2022 12:25 UTC

An inter­na­tional team of researchers has found that fol­low­ing a Mediterranean diet for­ti­fied with polyphe­nols might play a piv­otal role in mit­i­gat­ing the impacts of vis­ceral adi­pos­ity, which is wide­spread among obese peo­ple.

Visceral obe­sity is a trig­ger­ing fac­tor for mul­ti­ple patho­logic con­di­tions such as car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease and meta­bolic syn­drome. It is also asso­ci­ated with devel­op­ing prostate, breast and col­orec­tal tumors.

The tra­di­tional Mediterranean diet is a known source of polyphe­nols, which the researchers believe might impact adi­pos­ity.

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The study, pub­lished in BMC Medicine, explored the impacts of what they defined as a green-Med diet, twice for­ti­fied in dietary polyphe­nols and lower in red and processed meat.” The diet may be a potent inter­ven­tion to pro­mote vis­ceral adi­pos­ity regres­sion,” the researchers wrote.

Over 18 months, the researchers fol­lowed 294 sub­jects with an aver­age body mass index of 31.2 and an age of 51. Eighty-eight per­cent of them were men.

The sub­jects were divided into three groups. The first fol­lowed the healthy dietary guide­lines, the sec­ond adhered to a tra­di­tional Mediterranean diet, and the third fol­lowed a green-MedDiet. All three groups were equally calo­rie-restricted.

The sub­jects were also asked to exer­cise and con­sume 28 grams of wal­nuts daily, adding 440 mil­ligrams of polyphe­nols to their diets.

The green-Med group was also asked to con­sume three to four cups of green tea daily, and a 100-gram Wolffia glo­bosa shake.

The green pro­tein shake was par­tially sub­sti­tuted for din­ner, replac­ing beef or poul­try pro­tein source,” the researchers wrote. Wolffia glo­bosa is an aquatic plant high in pro­tein, fiber and fat.

See Also:Med Diet Adherence Linked with Lower Intestinal Inflammation, Study Finds

During the obser­va­tional period, the researchers used mag­netic res­o­nance imag­ing to mea­sure the abdom­i­nal adi­pose tis­sues, which demon­strated that vis­ceral adi­pos­ity tis­sue was reduced by 4.2 per­cent in the healthy dietary guide­lines group, 6 per­cent in the MedDiet group and 14 per­cent in the group fol­low­ing the green-MedDiet.

Weight loss and waist cir­cum­fer­ence decreased by 4.7 per­cent in the MedDiet group and 5.7 per­cent in the green-Med group.

According to the researchers, higher green tea, wal­nut, and Wolffia glo­bosa con­sump­tion paired with lower red meat intake resulted in higher total plasma polyphe­nols and ele­vated urine polyphe­nols. These were sig­nif­i­cantly asso­ci­ated with a more sig­nif­i­cant loss of vis­ceral adi­pose tis­sue.

Researchers explained that the Mediterranean diet is a ref­er­ence point for the study as it includes plenty of foods rich in polyphe­nols. The eat­ing pat­tern has been shown to reduce vis­ceral adi­pos­ity regard­less of weight loss when asso­ci­ated with phys­i­cal activ­ity.

In the MedDiet, polyphe­nols come from extra vir­gin olive oil, veg­eta­bles, fruits, legumes, nuts, red wine and whole-grain cere­als. Current research shows that extra vir­gin olive oil com­prises at least two dozen polyphe­nols, the health ben­e­fits of which con­tinue to be researched.

To date, fol­low­ing the MedDiet has been shown to reduce inflam­ma­tion and oxida­tive stress, enhance endothe­lial func­tion, increase plasma con­cen­tra­tions of the ben­e­fi­cial adiponectin hor­mone and cur­tail the athero­genic lipopro­teins, which are linked to car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease.


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