`Mediterranean Diet with Exercise Ideal for Metabolic Syndrome - Olive Oil Times
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Mediterranean Diet with Exercise Ideal for Metabolic Syndrome

By Elena Paravantes
Apr. 17, 2012 21:09 UTC

Previous research has shown that a Mediterranean style diet, rich in olive oil, fruits, veg­eta­bles, and legumes can pro­tect from meta­bolic syn­drome, a group of risk fac­tors that increase the risk of heart dis­ease, dia­betes and stroke. Exercise also has ben­e­fi­cial effects for this par­tic­u­lar syn­drome.

Spanish researchers from the University Hospital of Reina Sofia of the University of Cordoba and the Institute of Salud Carlos III, exam­ined how the Mediterranean diet in com­bi­na­tion with exer­cise would effect the health-related qual­ity of life in meta­bolic syn­drome patients.

For this study, pub­lished in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, 45 seden­tary men and women from the ages of 50 to 66 years with Metabolic syn­drome were ran­domly assigned to one of two groups; either fol­low­ing a hypocaloric, nor­mal pro­tein Mediterranean diet, or fol­low­ing the same diet plus a mod­er­ate to high inten­sity exer­cise pro­gram for 12 weeks. A num­ber of ques­tion­naires and tests were con­ducted to mea­sure qual­ity of life and meta­bolic syn­drome risk fac­tors.

The results showed that the Mediterranean diet only group had improve­ments in sev­eral fac­tors such as phys­i­cal func­tion, vital­ity, gen­eral phys­i­cal health among oth­ers, they lost weight and also had improve­ment in some meta­bolic syn­drome fac­tors. The group that also fol­lowed an exer­cise pro­gram had greater improve­ment in health-related qual­ity of life com­po­nents and, as expected, lost more weight.

A Mediterranean diet with a mod­er­ate to high inten­sity exer­cise pro­gram can not only decrease risk fac­tors of meta­bolic syn­drome but may improve qual­ity of life for those already pre­sent­ing the syn­drome. In addi­tion it can be used as an effec­tive weight loss tool.


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