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Mill Wastewater Extract Yields Promising Health Benefits

A dietary supplement made with hydroxytyrosol extracted from olive mill wastewater inhibited the production of inflammatory compounds and showed antibacterial properties.
Olives are washed in production facility.
By Ofeoritse Daibo
Jan. 28, 2025 20:43 UTC

Researchers from the Universities of Bologna, Palermo and Bari have been inves­ti­gat­ing the effec­tive­ness of a dietary sup­ple­ment obtained from olive mill waste­water on car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­eases.

The sup­ple­ment, sold com­mer­cially as Momast Plus 30 Bio (MP30B), is enriched with hydrox­y­ty­rosol, one of olive oil’s pri­mary polyphe­nols, using a patented tech­nique to extract the com­pound from olive mill waste­water.

Bioenutra, the com­pany that man­u­fac­tures MP30B, was not involved in the study.

See Also:Health News

Previous stud­ies have found that the sup­ple­ment exerts anti-inflam­ma­tory effects and removes reac­tive oxy­gen, which mit­i­gated heart infec­tions in in vivo stud­ies.

In ex vivo stud­ies, MP30B was also found to decrease the stiff­ness of the tho­racic artery, which is thought to pre­cede increased blood pres­sure.

The research also demon­strated that MP30B did not sig­nif­i­cantly alter the heart’s abil­ity to pump blood effec­tively or impact the blood ves­sel func­tion and health, known as car­diac and vas­cu­lar para­me­ters, in ex vivo stud­ies.

Based on these find­ings, we posit MP30B as a promis­ing extract for car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease pre­ven­tion, and its spe­cific antibac­te­r­ial prop­er­ties sug­gest its util­ity in pre­vent­ing car­diac infec­tions,” the researchers wrote.

Along with the promis­ing health results from the study, the researchers said find­ing new uses for olive oil pro­duc­tion byprod­ucts helps increase the sus­tain­abil­ity of the pro­duc­tion process and sub­sti­tutes a cost for millers with an addi­tional rev­enue stream.

An esti­mated 30 mil­lion cubic meters of olive mill waste­water are pro­duced yearly in the Mediterranean basin. Due to its high con­tent of phe­no­lic com­pounds, this waste­water must be treated before dis­posal.

Olive mill waste­water poses an impor­tant waste man­age­ment prob­lem since the lack of con­ven­tional treat­ment can coun­ter­act its high tox­i­c­ity,” the researchers wrote. However, phe­no­lic com­pounds in the waste­water rep­re­sent an oppor­tu­nity to upcy­cle’ this waste to obtain high-added-value prod­ucts.”

Their study, con­ducted on guinea pigs, found that Momast Plus 30 Bio inhib­ited the abil­ity of enzymes to syn­the­size nitric oxide, a free rad­i­cal, the over­pro­duc­tion of which can pro­mote inflam­ma­tion and oxida­tive stress.

Our results sug­gest that MP30B can also inter­fere with inflam­ma­tory processes affect­ing the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem by coun­ter­act­ing the dele­te­ri­ous effects caused by uncon­trolled nitric oxide biosyn­the­sis,” the researchers wrote.

They also found hydrox­y­ty­rosol’s antibac­te­r­ial prop­er­ties in MP30B, espe­cially against infec­tive endo­cardi­tis, a bac­te­r­ial or fun­gal heart infec­tion with a rel­a­tively high in-hos­pi­tal mor­tal­ity rate.

Streptococci are among the most fre­quent causes of infec­tive endo­cardi­tis,” the researchers wrote. MP30B has actions on all types of strep­to­cocci tested.”

Comparing the results of MP30B with those obtained using the ref­er­ence antibi­otic lev­ofloxacin on Streptococcus pyo­genes ATCC or FL, it is observed that MP30B is more potent both as a bac­te­ri­ci­dal and as a bac­te­rio­sta­tic on Streptococci FL; con­trary to what was observed for lev­ofloxacin whose actions are more sig­nif­i­cant in ATCC bac­te­ria,” they added.

The researchers con­cluded that the hydrox­y­ty­rosol-enriched dietary sup­ple­ment demon­strated poten­tial as a food sup­ple­ment to pre­vent car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­eases and sug­gested that fur­ther research should inves­ti­gate its impact on breast can­cer.

Studies on the car­diotoxic effects of anti-tumor ther­a­pies demon­strate the pro­tec­tive action of hydrox­y­ty­rosol in breast can­cer car­diotox­i­c­ity, increas­ing the poten­tial appli­ca­tions of MP30B,” they wrote.


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