`New Heart-Health Push from Carbonell - Olive Oil Times
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New Heart-Health Push from Carbonell

By Julie Butler
Mar. 25, 2014 09:01 UTC

Deoleo has begun a new health pitch in Spain with a spot for its Carbonell brand olive oil that high­lights cho­les­terol con­trol.

The Thanks Mom for teach­ing me to eat well” ad cap­i­tal­izes on the allowed health claim in Europe that replac­ing sat­u­rated fats in the diet with unsat­u­rated fats con­tributes to the main­te­nance of nor­mal blood cho­les­terol lev­els.”

Subtitles on the spot say in Spanish that a daily serv­ing (14g) of Carbonell 0.4 in sub­sti­tu­tion of sat­u­rated fat pro­vides a sig­nif­i­cant quan­tity of oleic acid needed to main­tain nor­mal blood lev­els of cho­les­terol. Olive oil – 79 per­cent oleic acid – has a high level of unsat­u­rated fat, it says.

Along with a heart-shaped logo and new bot­tle shape for the olive oil — the com­mer­cial grade com­pris­ing a mix of refined olive oil with some vir­gin olive oil — Deoleo is aim­ing to dif­fer­en­ti­ate in what is a very mature mar­ket with fierce price wars from store brands.

According to Spanish media reports, a sur­vey by Carbonell in February sug­gested half of all con­sumers are unaware that olive oil can help con­trol cho­les­terol, and that the vast major­ity of con­sumers learned all they know about cook­ing from their mother.

The 40-sec­ond spot shows peo­ple say­ing Thanks Mom” for rea­sons such as teach­ing me to look after myself”, your pael­las on Sundays” and the recipes you taught me”.

The world’s biggest olive oil bot­tler said in November it saw oppor­tu­ni­ties to gain value from the health seg­ment and hinted at inter­est in launch­ing an olive oil with omega 3‑DHA, and other oil blends.

US Patent and Trade Mark Office records show last month Deoleo applied to reg­is­ter 1866 Carbonell Olys” fea­tur­ing a heart-shaped design with a yel­low drop on top of a green drop on the left. An appli­ca­tion for the same trade mark was made by Deoleo at EU level ear­lier in February.

Deoleo said last month pro­vi­sional results showed the value of its sales fell to €809 mil­lion last year — down from nearly €829 mil­lion in 2012. It said its fore­cast sales of about €800 mil­lion this year assumed fac­tors includ­ing increased sales thanks to new prod­ucts based on inno­va­tion”.

Deoleo says Euromonitor data shows its brands Bertolli and Carbonell are respec­tively the world’s first and sec­ond lead­ing olive oil brands.


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