`Olive Oil, Beans and Fish Protect from Breast Cancer - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil, Beans and Fish Protect from Breast Cancer

By Elena Paravantes
Mar. 29, 2012 08:58 UTC

Science shows that cer­tain lifestyle fac­tors includ­ing diet can decrease breast can­cer risk. In regards to diet, pre­vi­ous research points to the pro­tec­tive effect of a plant based diet sim­i­lar to the Mediterranean diet.

In this study researchers from the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, eval­u­ated whether the degree of adher­ence to a Mediterranean diet pat­tern mod­i­fies breast can­cer risk amongst Greek-Cypriot women. This study is the first inves­ti­ga­tion of dietary effects on breast can­cer risk in Cyprus, a coun­try whose pop­u­la­tion has tra­di­tion­ally adhered to the Mediterranean diet.

Over 1,700 women were included in the study; of those 935 were women with a his­tory of breast can­cer and 817 con­trols, all par­tic­i­pat­ing in the MASTOS study. MASTOS (Greek for breast”) was the first and to date largest Breast Cancer case – con­trol study to be car­ried out in Cyprus, with the aim of describ­ing the fre­quency of estab­lished and rec­og­nized risk fac­tors for breast can­cer among Cypriot women.

Information on dietary habits and intake was col­lected using ques­tion­naires as well as infor­ma­tion on demo­graphic, anthro­po­met­ric and lifestyle fac­tors. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet pat­tern was assessed using two dif­fer­ent scores.

The results of the study showed that although there was no asso­ci­a­tion with breast can­cer risk for either score regard­ing adher­ence to the Mediterranean diet, higher con­sump­tion of veg­eta­bles, legumes, fish and olive oil, were inde­pen­dently asso­ci­ated with decreased risk.

However the researchers noted that it was impor­tant to con­sider that indi­vid­u­als do not con­sume sin­gle foods, but com­bi­na­tions of sev­eral foods that con­tain both nutri­ent and non-nutri­ent sub­stances, and con­clu­sions about the effect of con­sump­tion of a sin­gle nutri­ent or food group, on a spe­cific health out­come may be mis­lead­ing.

The les­son learned here: Eat plenty of veg­eta­bles, fish, and beans with olive oil to reduce your risk of breast can­cer.


BioMed Central Cancer
An inves­ti­ga­tion of breast can­cer risk fac­tors in Cyprus: a case con­trol study
The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics


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