`Study Reveals EVOO May Reduce DNA Damage from GMO Soybean - Olive Oil Times
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Study Reveals EVOO May Reduce DNA Damage from GMO Soybean

By Charlie Higgins
Jul. 4, 2014 11:54 UTC

A new study pub­lished by a team of researchers from the UK, Saudi Arabia and Egypt sug­gests that con­sum­ing extra vir­gin olive oil may reduce DNA dam­age caused by the intake of genet­i­cally mod­i­fied soy­bean prod­ucts.

The study revealed that rodents who were given olive oil and genet­i­cally mod­i­fied soy­bean dis­played reduced DNA dam­age in the spleen com­pared to rodents who con­sumed only GM soy­bean. GM soy­bean and GM corn prod­ucts have been linked to health prob­lems such as can­cer, infer­til­ity and pre­ma­ture death.

Other ben­e­fits from EVOO con­sump­tion were iden­ti­fied in the study as well, includ­ing nor­mal­iza­tion of nor­mochro­matic ery­thro­cytes altered by GM soy­bean. It was sug­gested that antiox­i­dants in olive oil were at least partly respon­si­ble for these pro­tec­tive effects.

We can con­clude that adding EV olive oil to the diet of rats appears effec­tive in inhibit­ing oxida­tive dam­age and may act as a pro­tec­tive agent against chronic dis­eases such as liver fibro­sis, hyper­lipi­demia and dia­betes,” researchers con­cluded.

In addi­tion, EV olive oil may also have a pro­tec­tive func­tion against car­cino­genic processes. Further clin­i­cal stud­ies are there­fore required to deter­mine whether the obser­va­tions observed in our study trans­late to human con­di­tions and ill­nesses,” they added.

The study was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University.


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