Some Ultra-Processed Foods Are Addictive, Like Tobacco

Foods high in refined carbohydrates and added fats trigger some of the hallmarks of addictive behaviors in consumers.
By Paolo DeAndreis
Nov. 17, 2022 15:58 UTC

Ultra-processed foods comĀ­monly availĀ­able in food retailĀ­ers in most counĀ­tries share some of the addicĀ­tive charĀ­acĀ­terĀ­isĀ­tics of tobacco, new research sugĀ­gests.

An opinĀ­ion and debate artiĀ­cle pubĀ­lished by the Society for the Study of Addiction invesĀ­tiĀ­gated if and how conĀ­sumĀ­ing ultra-processed food might lead to a life-threatĀ­enĀ­ing addicĀ­tion.

Previous research has shown that freĀ­quent, high-volĀ­ume conĀ­sumpĀ­tion of ultra-processed food has been linked with an increase in heart attacks, strokes and preĀ­maĀ­ture death.

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The increasĀ­ingly apparĀ­ent negĀ­aĀ­tive impacts of ultra-processed food on health prompted sevĀ­eral authorĀ­iĀ­ties and researchers to recĀ­omĀ­mend that comĀ­paĀ­nies indiĀ­cate whether a prodĀ­uct is ultra-processed on its labels.

Now, researchers are invesĀ­tiĀ­gatĀ­ing whether an addicĀ­tive-eatĀ­ing pheĀ­noĀ­type may exist, parĀ­ticĀ­uĀ­larly involvĀ­ing foods with refined carĀ­boĀ­hyĀ­drates and added fats (HPFs).

ā€œThe lack of sciĀ­enĀ­tifĀ­iĀ­cally grounded criĀ­teĀ­ria to evalĀ­uĀ­ate the addicĀ­tive nature of HPFs has hinĀ­dered the resĀ­oĀ­luĀ­tion of this debate,ā€ researchers wrote.

They said eviĀ­dence of an existĀ­ing pheĀ­noĀ­type exists that reflects the ā€‹ā€œhallĀ­marks of addicĀ­tionā€ in some conĀ­sumers, such as loss of conĀ­trol over intake, intense cravĀ­ings, inabilĀ­ity to cut down and conĀ­tinĀ­ued use despite negĀ­aĀ­tive conĀ­seĀ­quences.

Additionally, excesĀ­sive food intake has been linked with sympĀ­toms of other addicĀ­tive disĀ­orĀ­ders, includĀ­ing low qualĀ­ity of life or adverse reacĀ­tions to weight-loss treatĀ­ments.

The studyā€™s authors also acknowlĀ­edged that other researchers tend to believe that food addicĀ­tion does not depend on the type of food but on the act of eatĀ­ing, makĀ­ing it imposĀ­siĀ­ble to clasĀ­sify speĀ­cific food as addicĀ­tive.

ā€œHPFs are evoĀ­luĀ­tionĀ­arĀ­ily novel prodĀ­ucts made posĀ­siĀ­ble through modĀ­ern food techĀ­nolĀ­ogy that proĀ­vide refined and rapidly delivĀ­ered priĀ­mary reinĀ­forcers, specifĀ­iĀ­cally caloĀ­ries, in the form of refined carĀ­boĀ­hyĀ­drates and added fats,ā€ researchers wrote.

ā€œThe debate that remains conĀ­cerns whether a refined and optiĀ­mized delivĀ­ery sysĀ­tem of caloĀ­ries can proĀ­duce comĀ­parĀ­aĀ­tive effects to a refined and optiĀ­mized delivĀ­ery sysĀ­tem of addicĀ­tive drugs,ā€ they added.

In 1988, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a report idenĀ­tiĀ­fyĀ­ing tobacco prodĀ­ucts as addicĀ­tive based on sciĀ­enĀ­tific criĀ­teĀ­ria, includĀ­ing their abilĀ­ity to cause highly conĀ­trolled or comĀ­pulĀ­sive use, psyĀ­choacĀ­tive or mood-alterĀ­ing effects and abilĀ­ity to reinĀ­force behavĀ­ior.

The study explained how HPFs are ā€‹ā€œcomĀ­plex subĀ­stances that are psyĀ­choacĀ­tive, highly reinĀ­forcĀ­ing, strongly craved and conĀ­sumed comĀ­pulĀ­sively,ā€ simĀ­iĀ­lar to tobacco prodĀ­ucts.

ā€œThe foods that peoĀ­ple report being most likely to conĀ­sume in an addicĀ­tive manĀ­ner are all HPFs that deliver both refined carĀ­boĀ­hyĀ­drates and added fats,ā€ the researchers wrote, citĀ­ing chocoĀ­late, ice cream, French fries and pizza as relĀ­eĀ­vant examĀ­ples.

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HPF foods high in refined carĀ­boĀ­hyĀ­drates withĀ­out high levĀ­els of fat, such as breakĀ­fast cereal, gummy candy and soft drinks, are also assoĀ­ciĀ­ated with an addicĀ­tive-eatĀ­ing pheĀ­noĀ­type.

These HPF foods deliver high doses of refined carĀ­boĀ­hyĀ­drates and fats, which the researchers described as ā€‹ā€œunnatĀ­uralā€ because they depend on ā€‹ā€œsigĀ­nifĀ­iĀ­cant changes to the food matrix durĀ­ing proĀ­cessĀ­ing that removes ingreĀ­diĀ­ents that would slow down the eatĀ­ing rate and absorpĀ­tion (e.g., water and fiber).ā€

Given their nutriĀ­ent denĀ­sity and quick bioavailĀ­abilĀ­ity, HPFs actiĀ­vate the bodyā€™s natĀ­ural reward sysĀ­tem through the gut-brain axis.

Researchers said the exact dose of HPFs required to trigĀ­ger an addicĀ­tion is curĀ­rently unknown but added the same is true of nicoĀ­tine.

ā€œThis is an imporĀ­tant area of future research that may aid in the reforĀ­muĀ­laĀ­tion of HPFs to reduce addicĀ­tive potenĀ­tial,ā€ they wrote.

According to the sciĀ­enĀ­tists, another area of research that should be explored is the role played by the many food addiĀ­tives that modĀ­ify the taste, smell, texĀ­ture or mouth-feel of food.

The addiĀ­tives might not trigĀ­ger addicĀ­tive behavĀ­ior by themĀ­selves. Still, the researchers believe that they may conĀ­tribute to the addicĀ­tive-eatĀ­ing pheĀ­noĀ­type when conĀ­sumed with refined carĀ­boĀ­hyĀ­drates and added fats, simĀ­iĀ­lar to what hapĀ­pens with the addiĀ­tives in tobacco prodĀ­ucts.

ā€œScientific advances have now idenĀ­tiĀ­fied the abilĀ­ity of tobacco prodĀ­ucts to trigĀ­ger strong urges or cravĀ­ings as another imporĀ­tant indiĀ­caĀ­tor of addicĀ­tive potenĀ­tial. Here, we proĀ­pose that theseā€¦ criĀ­teĀ­ria proĀ­vide sciĀ­enĀ­tifĀ­iĀ­cally valid benchĀ­marks that can be used to evalĀ­uĀ­ate the addicĀ­tiveĀ­ness of HPFs,ā€ the researchers wrote.

They conĀ­cluded that HPFs could meet the criĀ­teĀ­ria to be conĀ­sidĀ­ered addicĀ­tive subĀ­stances if the stanĀ­dard set for tobacco prodĀ­ucts is conĀ­sidĀ­ered.

ā€œThe addicĀ­tive potenĀ­tial of HPFs may be a key facĀ­tor conĀ­tributĀ­ing to the high pubĀ­lic health costs assoĀ­ciĀ­ated with a food enviĀ­ronĀ­ment domĀ­iĀ­nated by cheap, accesĀ­siĀ­ble and heavĀ­ily marĀ­keted HPFs,ā€ the sciĀ­enĀ­tists wrote.

Finally, they emphaĀ­sized how preĀ­viĀ­ous research has shown that ā€‹ā€œpoor diets domĀ­iĀ­nated by HPFs are conĀ­tributĀ­ing to preĀ­ventable deaths to a comĀ­paĀ­raĀ­ble degree as tobacco prodĀ­ucts.ā€


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