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Olive Oil Snubbed in Study by Canola Reps

By Elena Paravantes
Apr. 2, 2013 13:05 UTC

American and Canadian researchers found that canola oil and high-oleic canola oils can lower abdom­i­nal fat when used in place of other selected oil blends. The study pre­sented at the American Heart Association’s EPI/NPAM 2013 sci­en­tific ses­sions in New Orleans, com­pared five oils in a ran­dom­ized, con­trolled trial with 121 par­tic­i­pants. These oils included canola oil, high-oleic canola oil, flax/safflower blend, corn/safflower blend and high oleic enriched with an algal source of the omega‑3 DHA. The results showed that those who con­sumed canola or high-oleic canola oils low­ered their belly fat by 1.6 per­cent com­pared to those who con­sumed a flax/safflower oil blend.

It is not the first time that a diet rich monoun­sat­u­rated fats has been related to lower risk of meta­bolic syn­drome. Several sci­en­tific reviews have asso­ci­ated the Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil with lower risk of meta­bolic syn­drome, not­ing that it was not due to only one com­po­nent but to the whole eat­ing pat­tern.

Knowing that olive oil has one of the high­est per­cent­ages of monoun­sat­u­rated fats among com­monly used cook­ing oils (even canola), as well as being rich in sev­eral antiox­i­dants and other pro­tec­tive com­po­nents, it would make sense to include olive oil in such a study. Perhaps it was not included as this project was funded by the gov­ern­ment of Canada, the Canola Council of Canada and Dow Agrosciences.


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