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Olive Oil for Skin and Hair

Olive oil can be used as a facial cleanser, makeup remover and deep conditioner. Just like with cooking, using high-quality extra virgin olive oil increases the benefits of use.

By Anna Boarini
Updated Sep. 24, 2024 00:34 UTC

Olive oil is a sta­ple in kitchens around the world, but it’s also a main­stay in many med­i­cine cab­i­nets. Olive oil can be used as a facial cleanser, eye makeup remover and deep con­di­tioner. And like any culi­nary recipe, just make sure to use the right type and amount to get the true ben­e­fits of olive oil in your beauty reg­i­men.
See Also:Olive Oil Found to Help Prevent Skin Cancer
The com­pounds found in olive oil that can reduce the risk of heart dis­ease can also ben­e­fit the skin. Vitamin E reduces scar­ring, antiox­i­dants com­bat free rad­i­cals and the anti-inflam­ma­tory nature can calm red­ness or break­outs. Just like with cook­ing, using high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil increases the ben­e­fits of use.

Using the oil cleans­ing method, olive oil becomes a sub­sti­tute for cleanser. Pour a small amount into the palm of your hand and gen­tly mas­sage the oil all over your face, includ­ing eyes and lips if makeup needs to be removed. A hot towel placed on the skin helps open the pores and loosen any trapped dirt.

If using straight olive oil seems a lit­tle strange, there are plenty of oil based cleansers to try. Olive oil is a fan­tas­tic remover for water­proof mas­cara, stub­born matte lip­stick or face paints. Either rub the oil straight onto the skin or use some on a cot­ton ball like a tra­di­tional makeup remover.


Olive oil isn’t just for the face — it can be used all over the body. It’s a great option for dry win­ter skin. Massage small amounts onto the knees and elbows or use in place of a body lotion, espe­cially areas like heels that crack. Before bed, rub oil onto the feet, elbows and knees. Letting the oil sit on your skin overnight can help soften cracked, dry skin. The same method can be used to com­bat dry hands and cracked cuti­cles. However, be care­ful apply­ing; the oil can pos­si­bly stain fab­rics or make feet slip­pery on bath­room floors.

An alter­na­tive to store-bought deep con­di­tion­ers is olive oil. When I was grow­ing up after swim lessons, my grand­mother would warm olive oil and mas­sage it into my hair. To really con­di­tion, wrap a warmed towel around the hair and let the oil sit for twenty min­utes before styling as usual.

If time is an issue, a small amount of olive oil can help tame fly­aways and con­di­tion dry ends. There are two ways to eas­ily treat split ends: coat the ends hair with olive oil before show­er­ing or smooth a small amount on wet hair before styling. The oil can also help soothe an itchy, win­ter scalp.

Instead of keep­ing olive oil in the kitchen, give it a shot as part of a beauty rou­tine.

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