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195 Awarded at 'Domina' Olive Oil Contest

The second edition of the Domina International Olive Oil Contest recognized 195 olive oils. Italy won the most awards, followed by Spain and Greece.

By Ylenia Granitto
May. 14, 2017 09:53 UTC

The sec­ond edi­tion of the Domina International Olive Oil Contest con­cluded with the three-day event on May 7 in the beau­ti­ful scenery of Domina Zagarella Sicily Hotel, in Palermo.

We believe in qual­ity and in defend­ing the bio­di­ver­sity, and with this com­pe­ti­tion, we also try to pro­tect hun­dreds of minor vari­eties pro­duced by small, medium and large pro­duc­ers.- Antonio G. Lauro, D‑IOOC President

The final ses­sion of the con­test was opened by its pres­i­dent, Antonio G. Lauro, with Stefania Reggio and David Oddsson. After a trib­ute to the mem­ory of Raul C. Castellani, Lauro gave the green light to judges for their eval­u­a­tion of 347 entries. Twenty tasters from Spain, Palestine, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Japan, Israel, China and Turkey ana­lyzed sam­ples from 19 coun­tries.

Speaking of the other num­bers of the con­test, the panel mem­bers assessed the pro­file of ninety-nine dif­fer­ent mono­va­ri­etals, which com­prised 60 per­cent of the entries.

A total of 195 medals — 95 Gold and 100 Silver — were awarded to com­pa­nies par­tic­i­pat­ing in this sec­ond edi­tion of the D‑IOOC.

The D‑IOOC panel members

Italy led at the podium with 95 medals (55 Gold and 40 Silver), fol­lowed by Spain with 27 medals (17 Gold, 10 Silver) and Greece with 18 medals (5 Gold and 13 Silver), then Turkey (3 Gold Medals and 7 Silver Medals) and Argentina (2 Gold Medals and 7 Silver Medals). Moreover, recog­ni­tions went to Palestine, Brazil and South Africa.

Producers are pleased to have par­tic­i­pated in this Italian-inter­na­tional’ con­test,” said the pres­i­dent of D‑IOOC, Antonio G. Lauro. In addi­tion to its pres­tige, they appre­ci­ated the reli­a­bil­ity of the rules, the high level of tasters and the inde­pen­dence of the super­vi­sors who come from both hemi­spheres,” he pointed out, adding that the D‑IOOC aspires to become the most impor­tant con­test in the Mediterranean area.

We do not have stereo­types about the world olive oil pro­duc­tion. Whether it is green or ripe, from the north or south, a rare or a wide­spread vari­ety — we treat every extra vir­gin olive oil with the respect they deserve,” Lauro remarked. We believe in qual­ity and in defend­ing the bio­di­ver­sity, and with this com­pe­ti­tion, we also try to pro­tect hun­dreds of minor vari­eties pro­duced by small, medium and large pro­duc­ers.”

The num­ber of par­tic­i­pants and the style of the com­pe­ti­tion were grounds for sat­is­fac­tion, said D‑IOOC man­ag­ing direc­tor, Stefania Reggio. We have the goal of giv­ing pro­duc­ers use­ful tools to pro­mote their prod­ucts,” she explained. We orga­nized var­i­ous activ­i­ties, includ­ing a mar­ket­ing work­shop, and we par­tic­i­pated in the inter­na­tional food fair Tuttofood in Milan, where pro­duc­ers met inter­na­tional importers. Also, we have many other ideas for the next edi­tion.”

Mimì’s Donato Conserva at the award ceremony

This award made us proud, espe­cially since our com­pany is young,” said Donato Conserva, who won the Best International Award Northern Hemisphere with Mimì. In our sec­ond year of activ­ity, this inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion encour­aged us to work harder and bet­ter.” He explained that it was a com­pli­cated sea­son with a drop in quan­tity, and much work was needed in the olive grove to obtain a high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil.

This award is a recog­ni­tion of our com­mit­ment to pro­duc­ing a great Coratina, a native vari­ety of our ter­ri­tory, char­ac­ter­ized by dis­tinc­tive but har­mo­nious bit­ter­ness and pun­gency and high polyphe­nol con­tent,” said Conserva.

It was impor­tant to be rewarded in this con­test, with the high num­ber of qual­ity oils that com­peted,” Cristina Stribacu observed. In Messenia, we pro­duced the mono­va­ri­etal Koroneiki Liá and we are even hap­pier for the Gold Medal we received, con­sid­er­ing the dif­fi­cult sea­son we had to face.”

Cristina Stribacu in Messenia

She described their extra vir­gin olive oil as a medium-fruity, of great com­plex­ity with hints of green banana, arti­choke, wild fen­nel and aro­matic herbs, and bal­anced bit­ter­ness and pun­gency that recall pink pep­per. In addi­tion to the atten­tion paid to the man­age­ment of the olive grove, we usu­ally carry out an early har­vest to achieve the high­est qual­ity,” she added.

Here the Top 10 of the inter­na­tional and ter­ri­to­r­ial awards:

Domina International Olive Oil Contest 2017

Best International Award 2017 Northern Hemisphere
Azienda Agricola Donato Conserva — Mimì Coratina (Italy)

Best International Award 2017 Southern Hemisphere
Solfrut Sa — Oliovita Edición Limitada Picual (Argentina)

Best International Monovarietal 2017 Northern Hemisphere
Almaz. De La Subbetica — Rincon De La Subbetica Dop Priego De Cordoba (Spain)

Best International Monovarietal 2017 Southern Hemisphere
Verde Louro Azeites Ltda — Verde Louro Arbosana (Brazil)

Best International Blend 2017 Northern Hemisphere
Muela-Olives Sl — Venta Del Baron Aceite De Oliva Virgen Extra (Spain)

Best International Blend 2017 Southern Hemisphere
Agroland Sa — Colinas De Garzón Olio Novo 2016 (Uruguay)

Best International Organic 2017 Northern Hemisphere
Domenica Fiore — Olio Reserva (Italy)

Best International Dop/Igp 2017 Northern Hemisphere
Frantoio Franci — Bio Igp Toscano (Italy)

Best Of Regione Sicilia 2017
Frantoi Cutrera — Primo Dop (Italy)

Best of South America Special Award Raul C. Castellani 2017
Trilogía — Aceite De Oliva Virgen Extra (Argentina)

Best of Turkey 2017
Zeytindostu İktisadi İşletmesi — Öveçli (Izmir)

Best of Crete 2017
Terra Creta — Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Kolymvari Chania)

You can check out the full list of win­ners on the D‑IOOC web­site.


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